What's one thing you don't like about VT?

<p>Virginia Tech seems like the closest thing to my ideal school, but I know there are some down points (and that they are different for each student). What is something you're not particularly crazy about and why? Any potential deal breakers? </p>

<p>Thanks for the help, guys :)</p>

<p>Just from visiting there a lot and having a brother and mom that went there. I can tell you some thing’s they have complained about which is long walks in the cold. It’s a huge campus which can be great, but it gets real cold in Blacksburg so walking to class in the freezing cold isn’t ideal.</p>

<p>They don’t call it “Blahsburg” for nothing! Winters do tend to last forever (unless you’re from up North, of course), but the fall and spring are great, and <em>everyone</em> should try to spend a summer session in town before graduating.</p>

<p>The biggest disadvantage I’ve noticed at Tech, both when I was a student there in the '80s and now, after having toured a number of schools with S, are the dorms. Most don’t have A/C, which can make for a miserable Aug-Sept and May, particularly if you live on an upper floor. And the ones I’ve seen desperately needed a facelift.</p>

<p>Cold mountain air - - I don’t miss it at all. But, the one advantage to being in the mountains is that the lack of AC isn’t as big a concern as it would be if Tech were in Richmond, VA Beach or NoVA. I went to Tech in the 80s as well and I don’t remember the lack of AC being an issue at all. Of course, we were tougher back then with the long barefoot walks to school, and all. :)</p>

<p>Some dorms have been renovated very nicely while others look like a dump. For example, Slusher Wing during summer orientation was awful. It is hot in July and the dorm looks exactly the same as in the 80s but with an additional 30 years of wear and tear. I’ve been told that the dorm looks a lot better during the school year when students have it decorated.</p>

<p>Worst thing about Tech is the winter wind on the drillfield.</p>

<p>I was on an upper floor in Slusher Tower and remember many stifling nights, where everyone on our end of the hall left our doors open so we could get some cross ventilation. But I do agree it is only an issue for a relatively short time. </p>

<p>As for the drill field, at least the replaced the mulch path (complete with floating wood chips disguising the deep puddles underneath)! Good times :)</p>

<p>Slusher has exceptionally small windows. I was in Pritchard, Vawter and Barringer but never on the top floor.</p>

<p>-Blacksburg is pretty boring IMO, but if you’re into the outdoors then you’ll love the place.</p>

<li>Tablet requirement. I took a leap of faith and listened to this board and didn’t purchase the tablet. Without a doubt one of best things I could of done. I’ve heard nothing but horror stories and they all seem cheaply made. I haven’t had to use them yet in my CS courses and I’ve heard I wont need to.</li>

<p>it is out of state :(</p>

<p>Too damn cold.</p>