<p>I'm currently a junior in high school and I really sick of doing EC's that I don't care about for the sake of getting into college. I could write a book with the details. xD</p>
<p>I've been doing Marching Band for three years and I've been an officer for two years. I've been an officer in FBLA this year. These are basically the two of the biggest things in our school and I would be giving up being president/section leader. MB is only half year, but when they are both on, I spend around 30 hours a week on the two activities. </p>
<p>I wouldn't be completely screwed over for colleges. I've always taken the hardest classes I could. I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA, near perfect SAT score, and I'm the founder/president of 40 person club on campus. Also, I want to be a computer science major and those activities don't really relate. </p>
<p>I know HPYSM were already reach schools for me even with my EC but I would be completely screwed for them now? Would colleges understand why I stopped? It's not like I would be sitting around playing video games with my new time but it wouldn't be as flashy. I'd like to volunteer in the IT department at the local hospital, teach the local elementary students how to play flute, have some fun programming, build up my sadly neglected club.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!</p>
<p>I didn’t start out hating these activities…</p>
<p>MB-It was really fun freshman year so I did it sophomore year. It was less fun sophomore year because we had two section leaders that hate each other and we were forced to pick “sides”. I thought junior year would be better because the two section leader were graduating and I really admired the new section leader for this year. Unfortunately this year the band director changed his “vision” for the marching band. I didn’t approve of the nature of the vision or the new adult staff he hired. He really liked how last year turned out and he continuing it this year.</p>
<p>FBLA-It was SUPER fun as a member so I became an officer. By a stroke of luck, I ended up a high ranking officer. It’s a lot more cutthroat, gossip-ridden, and political than I could have imagined. </p>
<p>I finished out the year out of duty but I don’t know if leaving would ruin my chances at a top college. </p>
<p>Does anyone have any advice for this situation though?</p>
<p>Yeah, don’t drop like all of them, just stick with something that you truly enjoy to show that you care for something. I think this way, you still have a shot at top-notch schools! :)</p>