suggest some schools for me, please!

<p>Hello, I am a rising sophomore who is desperate for a new school. Can you suggest a few? I will be transferring this spring or next fall. </p>

<p>My stats:</p>

<p>-GPA: 3.7
-All grades are As, one B- (several upper level courses)
-Weak ECs :[ Active in only 2 (but very time consuming) organizations. No leadership positions (yet)
-Some community service</p>

-SAT 1200/1600; 1890/2400
-Involved in pretty much everything. Vice president of a Literary Society. Decent amount of community service
-Ranked 4/400+
-Had most difficult course load possible</p>

<p>I am an URM and first-generation, lower-middle class</p>

<p>Looking for a school that:</p>

<p>-Offers decent financial aid to transfers!
-Near a city/large town with many cultural opportunities
-Has Chinese language classes
-Has an actual campus</p>

<p>Schools that have no general ed requirements are preferred :P</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>You should look at the University of Maryland. It's a metro ride from Washington DC, offers academic programs in basically everything, and has a beautiful campus! I'm unsure about their financial aid, but I've heard that they're very welcoming toward transfer students. It's worth checking out.</p>

<p>I applied as a sophomore transfer to Maryland they gave me almost nothing for aid. Out of the six I applied to theirs was the lowest.</p>

<p>Hm, interesting. But I also don't want to feel like a number in such a large school.</p>

<p>I went to Case as a transfer. It's in Cleveland in a section of the city called University Circle. The campus is right next to the Cleveland Museum of Art. It also shares part of the campus with the Cleveland Institute of Art (which has a movie theater that shows mostly indie films). Case also offers Chinese classes. The two years I went (just graduated), I had no problem getting aid. I have to admit though that they gave me a lot of loans. Also, Case does have GERs. I was part of the last class that didn't have to do the SAGES program (Case's version of GERs). Now it's required for all students. So that's something to consider.</p>