suggestion for class of 2012

<p>Consider writing your essay now when you can focus 100% on it and you are not distracted by senior classes and other college applications. Ask a couple of teachers to review it for you. Don't use a generic common app essay. Find a quiet place where you are inspired. (D wrote hers in the adoration chapel at church). Do the ND application as soon as you can so you have it done and it can be reviewed by your GC before they are overwhelmed with all the apps from everyone in your class. Apply for outside scholarships early. If you have a shot go EA to relieve your stress.Take the Oct SAT if you need to raise your scores but study first. Remember you will wind up where you are supposed to be. Good luck and try to enjoy your senior year.We'll be praying for you!</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for taking your time to do this. I greatly appreciate it!!!!</p>

<p>I thought I read some where else that you should only apply EA to ND if you are really qualified.</p>

<p>the admission officers say that EA is tougher than RD and that very qualified sutdents are encouraged to apply EA</p>

<p>If you can out your best app forward at EA time and you would likely get admitted RD I would go EA if adm has reservations you will get deferred. If you are rejected in EA you would likely be rejected in RD. That being said if you are at least within in the above average range go for it IF you are at the low end wait. D had 1460 SAT and 32 Ap Class rank5/220 was accepted EA. No legacy, no URM from the NE</p>