<p>Some information about myself:
In high school I did publication design in journalism, which I enjoyed, but I'm not creative enough to do graphic design as a career, nor would I want to have to be that flexible and work that hard to find a job that pays so little. I enjoy web design and coding websites with HTML/CSS and computers in general. I thought maybe I would like Computer Science, but I'm not sure that I'm up to doing that much heavy math. I like some math, but as it gets more complicated I lose interest and motivation. I also considered Information Systems, but I don't really understand what they do on a daily basis enough to know whether I would like it or not.</p>
<p>I get a long with and work with people just fine, but I don't want human interaction to BE my job. I like working together on a common goal, but I hate trying to sell people something for example, or making small talk, or taking care of/counseling people. </p>
<p>I do fairly well in English, and enjoy writing essays, but I don't enjoy creative writing. I think science is interesting and cool, but I would prefer to work indoors (and again with the math issue) so I'm not sure what kind of options I would have there.</p>
<p>Any ideas?</p>