Suggestions for Nursing Schools in MD.

D has decided maybe she would like to pursue nursing. We are in MD so state schools would be our preference due to in in-state tuition. We are open to OOS schools for the right price.

My suggestion would be to consult the listing of direct entry nursing schools to start your search process. Direct entry provides the added benefit of not having to apply to the nursing program later as a freshman. It looks like Stevenson and NMD are direct entry programs in MD.

@Banker1 Thank you very much for the link.

Most colleges north of the Mason-Dixon line are direct entry, and most south of it are 2-2.

There are a ton of direct entry nursing programs in PA. One of the most affordable private college direct entry options is York College of PA, which also offers substantial merit aid. It is about 1 hour north of Baltimore. Many of the private colleges offer 50% off of tuition merit scholarships to many top students.

I am an RN working in MD. I went to UMD college park as a freshman. I do not suggest that route as you dont get the traditional college experience. You will take the prereqs the first 2 years. Then be GUARANTEED admission to the nursing program in Baltimore/rockville.

I didnt have time for sororities, missed out on dorming, and you cannot go to college park events with friends since youre not a student at that campus anymore. Most of my nursing classmates were 40+ with kids, so I didn’t make too many friends in nursing school.

I suggest she look at towson, steveson, or Salisbury to get the traditional experience if thats important to her.

Agree with @Charliesch my daughter is going to attend York in the fall and the net price after her merit offer was very good, the facilities are very nice and it is not all that far from MD