Suggestions for online SAT prep course?

I’m going to retake the SAT either in the summer or in the fall and I know of a couple of online SAT prep courses but I’m not sure which one I should do! I don’t have my SAT scores back from June yet so I don’t know how I did, all I know is that I am way stronger in lit than I am in math and its really hard for me to self-motivate myself to study for the test or to create a schedule for myself.
So, does anyone have suggestions/opinions on which prep course I should use? Ive heard of Kahn Academy and PrepScholar but ive heard mixed things about both!

Khan Academy for english, DiagKNOWstics for math :slight_smile:

My son used Kahn Academy for both EBRW and Math. Don’t know much about Diagknowstics but we are currently looking into it for SAT II Math 2. @becad, why do you like this particular online source?

@JBStillFlying It adapts w you as you continue to study - gives concise videos for topics you show weaknesses in, which makes studying a lot more efficient

@becad would these be the more advanced tutorials or the free ones? (NB: we’ve looked into Diagknowstics for Math Subject 2 and saw both options offered - not sure what’s available for SAT Math itself).

@JBStillFlying There is an option of both free and paid memberships for SAT math