Suitcase College - what to do on weekends?

<p>I'm looking for some guidance for my d. When we visited TCU, we were told (by faculty) that there are lots of things to do on weekends - as my daughter spoke to current students, she was told lots of kids go home, very few stay on weekends unless there is a sports event. This may play a part in her decision to attend.</p>

<p>I’d like to know this too, as I don’t live close to the school at all.</p>

<p>I’ve visited twice and talked to a few students and it seems like a lot stay on campus. I know that last year’s freshman class was 50% out-state, so at least half of the students are staying on campus.</p>

<p>Although I do not have all the details about what the students do on the weekend, I can tell you that they have plenty to do. My d is an out of state freshman and she is constantly busy on the weekend. 95% of her friends stay at TCU on the weekend as well. They love the school so much that they could not wait to go back after winter and spring break. I am sure that other parents on this site will agree with me</p>

<p>Yes, I agree with thewong1. TCU is not a suitcase college. ilovebaseball, I think you received some bad information. It is absolutely a residential college. My S is a freshman too, from out of state. He is never short on friends or activities. If anything, it’s quite the opposite and he is busier than he thought he’d be. There are a ton of athletic events: kids go to volleyball, baseball, football, and more. The Rec Center is always open! The Student Activities Group puts on events every couple of days in the Commons. Facebook What2do@TCU and like that page. You’ll get a good glimpse of what is going on there. Keep in mind that freshmen and sophomores HAVE to live on campus so there are always kids around.</p>

<p>We live in a neighboring state (approx. 5 1/2 hour drive to get home). My freshman daughter has only been home once this semester, and that was for spring break. While there are sometimes Greek events that fill up her weekend, she and her roommate (who is in a different sorority) spend a lot of their weekend time with their friends from the dorm, both Greek and non-Greek. They shop, cook, work out, rent movies and occasionally squeeze in a bit of studying. When her Texas friends do go home for the weekend, she said it’s usually because of a family obligation or because high school friends attending other colleges are home. My daughter has a close childhood friend that is a freshman at SMU, and that friend has driven to Ft. Worth several times to hang out for the weekend because she enjoys my daughter’s friends and the fun things that Ft. Worth offers.</p>

<p>I agree with Rice1961. I am a current freshman here at TCU, and I have never heard anyone refer to it as a suitcase college! I would say the opposite- the weekends are very crowded and I always see people around campus. One of my friends is from Dallas, and even she does not go home often, only on holidays and special occasions to visit her family. I have never heard anyone complain that they want to go home because they are bored. There is plenty to do here!</p>

<p>LOTS to do on weekends. My son is 8 hours away from home. He only comes home for X-mas & spring break, and he has NEVER complained of lack of things to do.There are campus activities, Football in the fall, concerts, the zoo, good shopping, plenty to do in Dallas (40 minutes away) and many Texas friends with beautiful ranches within driving distance that might just invite your child over for an occasional getaway.</p>

<p>I went to school there (many years ago) and it wasn’t a suitcase college then…Lots of kids were from the midwest and lots of fun happened on weekends so there was not a mass exodus.</p>