Summer admissions

Will it be significantly easier to get admitted if you apply for summer? If you apply for fall with lower stats will the school accept you for summer or should you just apply for summer directly?

I think it is easier to be admitted to the summer term. I know someone who applied a few years ago to fall term with numbers well below UCF averages. They admitted her for the summer term. Apparently, they then did not have to include her scores when calculating their GPA/SAT averages in their “incoming freshmen profile” for ranking purposes, marketing, etc.

Hi! My daughter applied for fall thinking that she qualifies for the Top 10 Knights even with her low SAT. Her college counselor said she can be offered summer, fall or spring. She applied mid Sept and got an acceptance for summer. A little disappointed at first but I researched it and found out the benefits…one, she is in! Two, she will fulfill the 9 summer credit hours required by FL state univ. Three, she gets to be acclimated to the UCF campus and make friends before the mad rush of the rest of the 7k freshmen coming in Aug. I tried to look for how many are accepted for Summer B but I can’t find it. Summer B orientation is early June then school starts June 22-July 31 (may not be exact dates!) Then Fall students come Aug 24th. Another bit of info…there’s Summer A,C,D and they start mid May…those are for upperclassmen! Since our senior kids won’t graduate till end of May! so Summer B is the only summer option for regular incoming freshman.

Summer would be ideal for so many reasons. Can I ask your daughter’s SAT score?