Summer class questions?

<p>We have no experience with summer classes, is there a particular type of class to stay away from in summer? Such as would a science or calculus be overwhelming? Should son stick with more basic general degree requirement for his first college experience?</p>

<p>My D took calculus at our local community college last summer and enjoyed it. She didn’t find it overwhelming at all, but she likes math. One benefit to taking a science course at a community college (particularly for a non-major) is class size - science classes at our CC have 24 kids in them, vs. well over a hundred at UA.</p>

<p>If your son is pre-med, avoid any class that is part of the pre-med pre-reqs.</p>

<p>I think I would take an easy Core Class…like maybe a Fine Arts class or something. Summer is a time to relax. I wouldn’t want him to be “burned out” once fall classes start. </p>

<p>What Core credits are still needed?</p>

<p>Thank you so much for insight. I have not posted much, but have been reading this board often over the past few months.
Son is a Freshman (Honors) bringing in
AP Lit.
AP US history
plus the ones that won’t count toward his Bio major…
AP Calculus
AP Bio
Dual Enrollment Physics.
The plan is to take 6 hours in July summer session. and I really want the summer to be a good experience. There is a lot to adjust to, hopefully this will help ease the transition into college life.</p>

<p>" Plus the ones that won’t count towards his bio major</p>

<p>AP Calculus
AP Bio"</p>

<p>Is there a rule that Bio majors can’t use AP Cal or AP Bio credits? On another thread you said that your son got a 5 in AP Bio. He gets credits for Bio I and II (for majors) with a 5.</p>

<p>Is your son an incoming freshman? I wouldn’t recommend summer classes for an incoming freshman.</p>

<p>Yes, apparently neither will transfer with a Pre-med major in biology.</p>

<p>Well, they are going to transfer in onto his transcript.</p>

<p>Where are you seeing that those won’t transfer as a bio pre-med major? I’m not seeing that on the biology page.</p>

<p>My son is ChemE and pre-med, and he used his AP Bio credits, his AP Chem credits, and his AP Cal credits. Unless there’s some rule for bio majors, I don’t know where you’re seeing that. </p>

<p>The rule is that you can use AP credits for pre-med as long as you take higher level courses. Certainly a bio major will have lots of higher level bio classes. My son has a minor in math, so he has lots of classes beyond Cal I.</p>

<p>Oh, I see how it all fits now.
I was just trying to interpret one line item at a time on Degree Works.
I had not taken into consideration the major classes beyond general ed requirements. Yes, Im sure there will be more science classes in some of these areas, I will pull that list next. I was focusing on first semester not overall picture.
thank you.</p>

<p>I’ve taken all sorts of classes during the summer at both community colleges and a flagship university in a different state (not Alabama or my home state). It really depends on the student what courses are good to take. That said, I agree with feeno that summer classes aren’t the best idea for incoming freshmen, especially if they had senioritis. Some universities recommend summer courses for students who need more help adjusting to college ie those with a lower GPA and test scores, which does not seem to be the case with your son.</p>

<p>It is best to come up with a 4 year plan and modify accordingly as a student might not get the preferred class section they want, decide to take another course, or even drop a course.</p>

<p>Best of luck and Roll Tide!</p>