<p>I'm a sophomore at Northwestern, but due to the high costs of summer session at NU, I have decided to take some classes at a CC over the summer, a few for interest and for extra credit I guess.</p>
<p>I understand, though, that Northwestern does not recognize a few of these classes and may not even give me credit for some, and even if they do, that they don't count any of the grades toward my cumulative GPA. I still want to take a few just for interest, but I was wondering, if Northwestern doesn't count the grades from these classes towards my GPA will the AAMC count these courses toward my undergraduate GPA?</p>
<p>They aren't pre-med reqs or anything so this isn't a huge deal, but I was just wondering if CC courses taken over the summer count toward my cumulative undergraduate GPA or if they will simply request a separate transcript from both Northwestern and the CC.</p>