Summer Classes: Will they see it?

<p>I'm a sophomore at Northwestern, but due to the high costs of summer session at NU, I have decided to take some classes at a CC over the summer, a few for interest and for extra credit I guess.</p>

<p>I understand, though, that Northwestern does not recognize a few of these classes and may not even give me credit for some, and even if they do, that they don't count any of the grades toward my cumulative GPA. I still want to take a few just for interest, but I was wondering, if Northwestern doesn't count the grades from these classes towards my GPA will the AAMC count these courses toward my undergraduate GPA?</p>

<p>They aren't pre-med reqs or anything so this isn't a huge deal, but I was just wondering if CC courses taken over the summer count toward my cumulative undergraduate GPA or if they will simply request a separate transcript from both Northwestern and the CC.</p>


<p>they do not count towards your gpa. even if you took Orgo at Harvard (like many pre-med students do), it will not count towards your gpa. you could request for it to be transferred to your NU trasncript, but it still wil not be calculated into ur GPA</p>

<p>The kids that take Orgo at Harvard aren't taking it because they don't want those grades to count toward their GPAs; they take it because it's easier at Harvard and their GPAs will be inflated (albeit slightly).</p>

<p>If they were pre-med requirements then you would have to send your transcript from the CC. Since they are just "enrichment" courses, it's up to you. If you want med schools to be aware that you took these courses, you should send a transcript from your CC . From there, it's at the discretion of the med school whether they consider count toward your GPA.</p>