Summer FAFSA Disbursement

<p>Hi, I'm taking Session C this summer, and I was just wondering if FAFSA works the same way it does during the school year. Usually it pays the tuition for me itself and I don't have to worry about a thing. Does it pay for itself for the summer too? Since the deadline is on the 20th, I just wanted to make sure.</p>


<p>Have you gotten your disbursement yet? I haven't gotten disbursement for summer or my efan for the year.... Getting just a little worried here.</p>

<p>I just spent 20 mins+ being put on hold with FAO and being transferred around to different departments to figure this out.</p>

<p>Apparently, for us who are just taking session C, we won't get our disbursements until late July. But everything is already taken care of, they've already placed our names on a "do not drop" list and it'll pay the bar in July. </p>

<p>But yeah, everything should take care of itself.</p>

<p>Thanks Bruinette!</p>

<p>To rosedust: I got my efan for the year in early May. You may want to call the FAO like Bruinette?</p>

<p>Thanks for the info!</p>

<p>Yeah...I'm just worrying b/c I haven't gotten my efan or my aid for session A....</p>

<p>I e-mailed them but it looks like they're super busy and that's why things are lagging. My summer aid was supposed to come out last week but I know some friends in the same boat as me so I'm thinking it's just a lag....</p>