Summer/Fall 2021 Transfer Admission

Did any comp sci major or engineering major get their decision? It still says comp sci as my first choice and i got my audit early February.

Whoop! So happy and proud for you. Congrats!!!

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Not a comp sci major but I got an audit for my college early February and still no decision

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Do you think a lot of transfers haven’t heard back? And there’s still hope? Or do you think at this point most of us will be getting deferred?

Really depends on the major. They are all at their own time/pace.

Hang in there.

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I’m an International Transfer studying at a Texas Community College and applied for Mechanical Engineering. Still haven’t heard back either. There was a virtual Phi Theta Kappa college fair yesterday and I was able to speak to one of the admissions counselors there and according to them, I should be hearing the first notice per se (accepted, rejected, or deferred for spring grades) by the end of this month. If deferred for spring grades, they seconded the idea that the final decision may come as late as mid-June -as it has been commented over here. It may not be the same timing for other Engineering majors or other colleges but just dropping in a small piece of information in case someone else is on the same boat.


So regardless of the three options there trying to get those decisions out this month ?

That’s what they told me for my case but it may or not be different in the case of other majors and other colleges. It’d be better to contact them individually based on one’s major.

Hi all! My app status just changed to “complete and in review.” Could anyone give me an estimate about when I should be receiving my transfer audit or about how many days it takes to get that email? My app was incomplete as of yesterday afternoon but today is under review so it ought to have changed not long ago. Thanks!

Transfer audit could be quick or take up to 2 weeks. With the admissions process winding down for freshmen, hopefully it’ll be quicker!!!

Got it. Thank you so much!

This is what I received from the counselor this morning that I’ve been in contact with… I went in with 87 hours and the maximum amount of hours is 84, I have several emails from her directly stating she would personally work on my application to get me to reach the amount of hours I need.

If she said that she would work on getting you the exact amount of hours, try forwarding that to someone else at the school or try to speak with her personally to see what went wrong. If she said that she would see over something personally, guaranteed it, and didn’t do it, you can try to use that to talk to someone in regards to your application.

Im sorry you have to deal with this, wishing you the best.

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@Kanniemartin you might try to appeal (I don’t know if the deadline is the same, but regular admission appeal deadline is April 15). Did the person assure you they could get the hours lowered, or just say they would try?
Applying with over the hour limit is a tough one, and not easy to get around.

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I really don’t think appealing would work with the statement she made… (i copied her response in the email she sent me) “ Also, to give you a heads up: I will be working on your application a little bit. You have quite a bit of hours. I know in your essay you mentioned taking some classes twice. Our cutoff for hours is 84 so I need to do some work to make sure you wont be in excess hours with all the credits you have coming in”. I’m definitely frustrated because during my incoming seminars no one said there was a limit on hours for the Ag science department

I hear your frustration and I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. I will say, with utmost kindness in mind, that the transfer requirements per major are accessible online. 84 is the highest I’ve seen. Some are 60. It’s crazy and it’s different and I’m sorry you weren’t given or had this information before you were set to apply so that you could plan accordingly. It’s definitely frustrating. I wish more students from high school to transfer students had a place to go. In that vain, I started doing just that because most people don’t know where to find this info. I have a free service to help students just like you. I just wish I had found you sooner.

Hang in there!


Thank you for all the advice throughout this page that you’ve sent!! It’s truly amazing and I appreciated it.

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I just checked AIS and Howdy and they both now have my second major listed as my major and program? Does this mean anything?

So that means your first choice denied you and that your second choice is reviewing your application.

Was your first choice POLS? I would be surprised you would be denied for that degree.

Do you know if tarleton state has any correlation with A&M ?