Summer Humanities Programs

<p>Several times I have seen requests made for suggestions for summer programs that are more humanities focused but there have been few responses (other than Tasp and just a couple of others). Are there any others you have enjoyed? Perhaps there is something less high profile than Tasp you may know about. Thank you very much.</p>

<p>I'd like to know as well.</p>

<p>same here 10</p>

<p>same here :)</p>

<p>Carleton College Summer Writing Program.</p>

<p>If anyone wants info on it, it's three weeks, they offer full and partial scholarships, and they basically help you write college-level essays. You go to class til probably 2-3, and then the rest of the time after you can do, and as I quote someone from last year, "Whatever the hell you want!"</p>

<p>If you read through the past 6 or 7 pages of the Summer Programs forum, you'll find a couple (small) threads on this.</p>

<p>To start you off:</p>

<p>Walnut Hill
Kenyon College
University of Iowa Writing Program
Simons Rock
Sarah Lawerence
Columbia College Summer School
Senate Youth Program
House Page Program</p>

<p>...and there's a lot more. Humanities programs seem to be shorter in duration and in general not as well advertised as math programs, which is a dime a dozen. A lot are sponsored by colleges rather than independent, so it may make sense to also check out some LAC websites to see what they offer for high school students. </p>

<p>Have fun! :)</p>

<p>Thanks for all the pointers! I bumped this thread because it's good to have the information consolidated as a jumping-off point.</p>

<p>One way to narrow down is by cost (don't think there are any free programs other than TASS/TASP, but some offer merit scholarships). For instance, Carleton's Summer Writing Program (expository writing) appears to offer scholarships based on "academic merit and college potential." Several others offer need-based aid, though with limited funding available.</p>

<p>--Or separating out the creative writing programs (Interlochen, Walnut Hill, Kenyon), which are equally good but a have a different focus than general humanities. If you subtract creative writing and for-profit college-sponsored programs (let's say >$1000 per week), not much is left. The Iowa Young Writer's Studio is relatively affordable at $1550 for two weeks; Carleton's program is ~$3k for 3 weeks. I didn't check out the government/public policy programs, but of the ones listed, these two are the cheapest. Carleton's is probably the most similar to TASP.</p>

<p>Carleton</a> College: Summer Writing Program
Untitled</a> Document</p>

<p>I should also add two obscure programs that I've attended:
The</a> Robert E. Cook Honors College [Summer Honors Program] [offers merit and need-based scholarships]
Alpha</a> SF/F/H Workshop for Young Writers [an amazing experience but specialized in scope to genre short story writing]</p>

<p>Plus, if you went to the Carleton Liberal Arts Experience the previous summer you are eligible for a scholarship of up to $1900. So any 10th graders reading this, apply to that!</p>

<p>I'm going to bump this for more info. I think this is a really useful thread, as I've run into this problem too. Any programs besides writing?</p>

<p>I haven't really seen this mentioned anywhere, and it's not super prestigious or anything, but Summer Enrichment Program at University of Virginia is a summer academic program that I have attended 3 times.
You can choose classes based in humanities, sciences etc.
It depends on the course that you select, but you can definitely learn a good amount. You also meet a lot of really nice people. It's not incredibly selective, but I do know some people who have been rejected, but could have just been a space issue.
Here's the link if anyone is interested:Summer</a> Enrichment Program
Any questions, feel free to ask.</p>

<p>This probably isn't the program to go to if you're looking for intense university study or anything like that, but it's a fun, creative, enriching way to spend 2 weeks this summer!</p>

<p>^ FYI, the UVA Summer Enrichment Program is $1100 for 2 weeks, not bad.</p>

<p>I remember some girl on a chances/college search thread mentioning a creative writing program possibly at UVA, but I can't remember the name.</p>

<p>Thanks for those, Oasis & Keilexandra.
Very helpful, added some of those to my list of possibilities.</p>

<p>Here’s another, for debate/public policy.
[2009</a> Ivy Scholars Program - <a href=“[/url]”>](<a href=“Welcome | Yale Young Global Scholars”>Welcome | Yale Young Global Scholars)</a>
Rising juniors and seniors only, ~20% acceptance rate (strictly 60 spots), but does not help you get into Yale perse despite being an official non-profit branch of the university.</p>

<p>Thanks, Keilexandra, for all the useful information.</p>

<p>isn’t ivy scholars pretty expensive?</p>

<p>^ 3k for, I’m not sure, 4 weeks? It’s on the expensive side but does offer up to full FA for those with need.</p>

<p>This is fine arts, not humanities, but still non-science:</p>

<p>Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation 2009 Summer Seminar Program
FREE excluding transportation
3 two-week sessions at Colorado College</p>

<p>Also, there’s a free 1-week accounting program at University of Arizona, including transportation. May be stretching the “humanities” thing.
[url=<a href=“Dhaliwal-Reidy School of Accountancy | Eller College of Management”>Dhaliwal-Reidy School of Accountancy | Eller College of Management]Accounting</a> Careers Awareness Program : Department of Accounting : Eller College of Management : The University of Arizona](<a href=“]Summer[/url”></p>