Summer Music Festival 2023

S24 got an invite to Kinhaven this weekend! So excited!


Last year my D was waitlisted at Bowdoin. She was accepted at Miami Music Festival with fellowship so withdrew her application at that point. Don’t know whether she would have made it, although I think waiting lists do see a lot of movement!


Did the BUTI list move much in the end? And for anyone still musing Interlochen seem to have places for some instruments as DD got an email from them last night seeing if she was going to complete her half started application (she isnt).

D23 had a friend notified of acceptance weekend before the two-week intensive start at BUTI. He made it!

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Wow that’s late! DD is sticking with her intensive and YAWE - although still on the waitlist for YAO, I don’t think she would switch now. We just need school to authorise her absence for the last three weeks of term now !

By the way, my D will attend the Atlantic Music Festival after receiving an adjustment in the work-study portion of her aid, so she’ll get to go!

The Vocal Institute is three weeks, from July 17-August 6.


S24 is attending Kinhaven, I am thinking of having him withdraw from the waiting lists at BUTI even though he really doesnt want to. It seems unreasonable to possibly have a change at the last minute and teenage brain may want to change.

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BUTI workshop sizes differ based on instrument. Bass had 8. Piano had quite a few more I felt. Perhaps 8-16 is the norm depending on how many teachers do the program. The schedule is nice - group lesson, individual lesson, chamber, practice for recital, and then most nights have performances you can go see in town
 long walk (lots of lots of walking) but calm and nice. The daily schedule and bus schedule for performance is literally several pieces of paper posted to the wall in Groton Hall, so don’t expect to see anything online lol


Parents get free tix to the YAO concerts. You wait at Tanglewood where the entrance is and a person will come and hand out tickets to parents for each of the 3 concerts. I think all other non-YAO concerts are free.

8-10 basses 
 not sure for the other instruments

Son just committed to Castleman. I just booked the first ticket for him to fly alone, and the first ticket for the cello to experience travel by air. :astonished:


congrats! When I got this notification I thought you were announcing his college choice!

Oh no, that’s still being debated!

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Emf is mostly college - most of the students are at conservatories. My daughter a violinist is in high school went last summer and will return this summer. There are a handful of high school students. It is on a college campus Guilford College. It is 100 percent a music school experience not camp. I loved it for this reason. She learned so much from the older students. Heavy orchestra focus with chamber music and opportunities for solo competition and masterclasses. There are also fellowship opportunities for older students. Faculty from all around the country. The conductors are amazing Gerald Schwartz, Grant Cooper 

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I second that recommendation and would say EMF is the most organized summer experience my D23 had to the date. Dr. Edwards is a glue that holds everything together and so very organized. It is also large enough place that they have orchestra rotation and plenty of chamber opportunities and small enough that kids get to know each other pretty well.

EMF is very underrated IMHO.

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I have heard only good things, Son didn’t apply because he wanted a chamber focus. I know a lot of current orchestral musicians who had attended in the past and they all think very highly of it.


I agree - as a musician the training is truly unmatched. If people are looking, scholarships are great also. It is much cheaper than BUTI. My daughter had no interest in the bugs. College campus with AC is her speed! People really much nicer down south. We are from MA. A lot of conservatory students took her under their wing.

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Back in the day
my kid went to BUTI for two summers followed by two summers at EMF. He loved both experiences.


That’s a bold relative statement :blush:

DD24 has been through a lot of summer programmes incl Curtis, Juilliard, NYO, non USA ones and BUTI (2nd time this year) - i really think they all have their place and different kids need/want different things at different times. I really hope everyone has the choices they wanted now (or do soon) and have great summers :smile:

onwards to UG course applications shortly!

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There are a lot of chamber opportunities at EMF, although Orchestra was the focus. My D23 flutist made music in several chamber groups: with string players, with the harpist, in wind ensemble and had solo performances too. I think EMF is also a bit more flexible as far as what your kid wants to take from it outside of prescribed activities.

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