Summer Music Festival 2023

Not bold.:rofl:I created my own program as I could never afford to go to summer music festivals. I run a large horn ensemble 40 horns generally in the summer - once a week. Most of my students work and have other commitments in the summer. I am glad we can afford my daughter the opportunity. I agree go to the one that works for you! Just like college applying. I just think a lot of great programs out there!!! As a musician I just see so many great things at EMF.


Thank you for the information! DD ended up not choosing to go BUTI this year, though she still is a bit hung up on not being in new England this summer.

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Has anyone received a notice of acceptance or rejection yet from EMF? Still waiting.

My daughter received her acceptance around mid March violin

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Thanks for replying. My son is waiting to hear from the conducting program. Has not heard either way. Last email two weeks ago they said they were still working on it.

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Anyone else waiting on Vivace results - think they are due today or soon after?

I couldnā€™t find my Vivace acceptance in any inbox until the coordinator followed up with me today; the original email was apparently sent on 5/6.

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Hi yes DD24 got a place - you too?

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They had problems with email and internet communications when my son attended two years ago. Everything else was great! Congrats!

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Wowā€¦ just got acceptance from Meadowmount after being waitlisted. Unfortunately, plans are all well in place, deposits, tuition, travel, for other camps. Crazy to hear from them now.


I am actually concerned the same thing might happen with buti. Will be really hard to say no

BUTI sent final Intensives details this week and a note to say invoices are on the way so I guess that might prompt some final decisions but waiting list movement seems v low indeed so far. Interlochen have spaces for some instruments it seems as DD getting emails. She has just declined Vivace .

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We paid in full and sent in all of the paperwork for Kinhaven and S is so looking forward, I am thinking of pulling him from the BUTI wait list to avoid any last minute drama, ha!
I canā€™t PM you since your profile is hidden, maybe it is time to start the thread for our kids? Yours is applying for audition programs right?


Iā€™ve got one applying next year, too, so Iā€™d jump in if you started a thread :slight_smile:

RE: summer musicā€¦my freshman undergrad has his summer worked outā€¦heā€™s spending 2 weeks in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia at LAMPā€“the first week is a bass clarinet intensive, and then they invited him to stay the second week to be a performer for their composition program. And then in August heā€™s going the Akropolis Reed Quintet chamber music institute in Michigan. Both are bass clarinet and chamber music, his two great loves, so heā€™s excited.


My S is not applying for audition based schools (unless a magical summer at kinhaven of course changes the plan and I officially lose my mind) So I am waiting for someone else to do it!! Ha!

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Shall i ā€¦ā€¦? Ok I will/ re PMs - this site is a bit of a mystery still!

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Mine leaves on the 4th. Time to panic about solo flight with cello at 7:30 AM.


Well S24 got a last minute acceptance to one of the intensives at BUTI last night at 830pm EST. Will not change our plans for this but previous discussions of them opening the wait list at the last minute seems to be happening this year too.


Sounds wise? Could any say how the air quality is now? DD heading to BUTI next weekend, and as an asthmatic wind player needs to decide if she needs to up her prevention doses etc

It is absolutely perfect here now, not sure that Lenox was ever in the path of the smoke. Gonna PM you.

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