Summer Program decisions

Pre Med or GMD aspirant with research experience last summer and interesting in publication opportunities.

I applied for a few programs this summer but did not get in (did not into UPMC, RISE, SSP etc.) into any selective good ones

Got into these and would like to know how good are these -

  1. UPenn ESAP (not sure how selective this is, heard it could be a good one if applying for UPenn for UG. but I have second thoughts challenges may be on maintaining GPA for med programs for future at Ivy)
  2. iResearch( Applied due to their research/science fair success or possible publication)
  3. IYRC (applied due to interest in publication, possible conference presence before college apps)
  4. Boston Leadership Institute bio medical research or flexible programs
  5. Harvard Student Agencies medical intro for one week
  6. JHU BME (not sure how selective this is, but I have second thoughts challenges on applying to JHU how helpful this is or competitive it is to get admission)
  7. INSIGHT Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center’s (HIPRC) program
  8. Interview lined up at George Washington university to join summer internship in person at their lab likely on cancer research.
  9. GMU Schar Bioinformatics Research Internship program , on wait list. Not sure how good this is please advise if any experiences.

Please suggest out of these which ones are better and if possible or recommended to do multiples considering junior year summer sort of last high school opportunity to make good impact or prepare for college apps. Thanks much

Generally speaking any program that you are paying to do isn’t going to give you a leg up in admission. At best it may help you hone the “why us” type essay.