Summer Programs That Look Good on College Applications

<p>Can anyone list a few medical internships?</p>

<p>How does the Stanford Shumway Internship look? [High</a> School and Pre-medical Student Stanford Summer Internship - Cardiothoracic Surgical Skills and Education Center - Stanford University School of Medicine](<a href=“Summer Internship | Cardiothoracic Surgical Skills and Education Center | Stanford Medicine”>Summer Internship | Cardiothoracic Surgical Skills and Education Center | Stanford Medicine)</p>

<p>^I’ve heard Shumway isn’t that prestigious. It’s supposed to be good learning-wise, but it doesn’t look that great on college apps as it’s just another program you pay for.</p>

<p>Are there any summer camps for freshmen (9th, rising 10th) that anyone would recommend for me?</p>


<p>goodjams, there are a few, my D is doing Summer@Brown right now, that’s one. Columbia offers one also. CTY has several. All cost quite a bit but I know Brown and CTY offer need-based scholarships. </p>

<p>Once you’re a rising junior there are a lot more options.</p>

<p>Does anyone know a good business program</p>

<p>I understand the intent of the thread, but you really shouldn’t be doing summer programs just to put them on applications.</p>

<p>How is yale global leadership program? What about columbia shp? (not summer, i know, but a college program)</p>

<p>I did go to the Stanford EPGY course this year, and it was alright. Not amazing, but just okay. I’m not sure if EPGY courses are considered good enough to put on college applications though.</p>

<p>Does anyone know any good chemistry programs/internships in New York?</p>

<p>I would suggest emailing the professors of nearby universities. Of course, avoid higher-level colleges (Columbia, Cornell, etc.) because they’ll be less likely to respond (but feel free to try).</p>

<p>To get my chemistry mentorship, I emailed a professor of a nearby college, and he’s been willingly mentored me for over a year.</p>

<p>Krinsky Internships at UPenn, excellent internships at nearby hospitals.</p>

<p>LBW and WSBA at Wharton are great</p>

<p>Try the International Leadership Program run by Krinsky Programs at Penn, it’s about 50% International and a great program</p>

<p>Does a part-time summer job at a prestigious bank look good on an application?</p>

<p>Have you heard of The University of Alabama’s Honors Passport?</p>

<p>[Honors</a> Passport | Honors College](<a href=“]Honors”></p>

<p>It seems pretty cool to me! High school seniors can earn 3-hours of college credit taking a Shakespeare course in Oxford.</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore this year and I’m interested in doing a summer program after this school year is over/before junior year begins. I know I’ll be doing a lot of college visiting next-next summer, so this is my only free year. A few of my friends have recommended Brown, one of them went to Vandy. Is there any single program that colleges look for?</p>

<p>Does anyone know of any good summer programs for acting? (for high school students)
Any in NYC?
Any through colleges?
Only good ones that people that go would take seriously.</p>

<p>My son, a junior in high school, is interested in studying film production and/or animation in college. We are looking for a good summer program for high school students focused on these areas. He has taken several film summer workshops and has had some of his films appear at film festivals around the country.</p>

<p>For the upcoming summer, we are looking for something that might be a bit more rigorous, help him develop some additional portfolio pieces and perhaps even been well regarded by some of the top film schools.</p>

<p>Any recommendations?</p>

<p>Portkey, I would take a look at CSSSA.</p>

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