summer reading

<p>this is a dumb question, but are there any required summer reading books that we need to read for a&m? kinda like the way we did in high school...</p>

<p>I don’t have a solid answer, but from the year of community college I have done that is a definite no. </p>

<p>On your first day of class is when you will go over the course and specifically what textbooks and reading materials you should have for the course.</p>

<p>I’ve never had to read for classes before the course actually started but hey, outside knowledge to take to the classroom never hurts!</p>

<p>You could prepare for your classes I guess. But that would be useless. </p>

<p>So no.</p>

<p>alright, thanks</p>

<p>believe it or not… my daughter, Architectrure major, got a book in the mail from the College of Architecture last summer- she was to read the book and write her 5 favorite things and her five least things and email the prof before the first day of class.</p>

<p>yeah and this year the college of liberal arts has a common reading book for everyone to read and talk about on facebook. they give you the book at your nsc</p>