I know that it would look good to have a project entered into Siemens-Westinghouse and/or Intel, but most of the summer programs are only six weeks. Would it be better to do research at a local university now, then go to a program like SSP (<a href=“http://www.summerscience.org%5B/url%5D”>http://www.summerscience.org</a>) in the summer, or go to Boston University’s Summer Research Internship Program and not SSP? Considering I want to apply to CalTech, MIT, etc., what is my best bet?
Also, anyone who has done research before… if you choose to do it at a local college with a faculty member, do you usually start a new project yourself or help them with a continuation of an ongoing project, then write a paper with your name on it?
<p>i had the most amazing time of my life at ssp, and HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it. i'm still in touch with over 50% of the people i met this summer, and consider them some of my best friends. and the academics were simply amazing. </p>
<p>i'm not sure if it would have been better doing independent research, etc., but i do know that i wouldn't trade my experiences at ssp for anything.</p>
<p>I don't know what grade you are in, but a lot of the people i know who did independent research (not in a program like the Garcia Center - google it), spent one summer working with the prof on an ongoing project and the next summer/fall doing an independent project. To be clear, to submit to Intel, your work must be original. That is, you must design (with help) the experiments and carry them out, analyze your own data (with help) and come to conclusions. You can do an independent project in one summer/fall but it's trickier. I did an independent project at garcia center one summer/fall and submitted to intel.</p>
<p>I am also an SSPer ('04 at Socorro, like ariadne09)...and I agree with everything she said. SSP was the most incredible experience I have ever had. If you choose to go there, it will change your life...in a really good way.</p>
<p>i was also an SSPer '04, i did not enjoy SSP as much, it was too expensive. but amazing people there though, the food was bad, but it was buffet and my friends and i stole smarties on ice cream days lol
anyway, i would choose the research.
i lived in Grays, where did inflatablecheez and ariadne live?</p>
<p>Hmm...I think we're talking about different ssps, newbyreborn. SSP for ariadne and myself is the Summer Science Program...so yeah, same acronym as the Harvard SSP program (is that what you're talking about?), but something completely different. The Summer Science Program is a 6 week astronomy/physics based program in which the students work in an observatory/computer lab to calculate the orbit of an asteroid. The food at our SSP wasn't too great either, though...lol.</p>
<p>yeah, i don't think it was the same program...mainly because there was definitely no building called "grays." but maybe you were at the ojai campus?</p>
<p>but! speaking of finances ssp had a great financial aid program. if you qualify, they will pay up to full tuition, AND travel expenses, for you to attend. </p>
<p>seriously, ssp will change your life. it changed mine and...erm...are we calling her "inflatablecheez?"...for sure. anyway, alex, keep us posted on where you decide to go! if you go to ssp, you're automatically on my "favorite people" list. heh heh.</p>
<p>oooo, i want to go to your SSP now :(
add me to your AIM list, i want to know more about your ssp
AIM: sqingx</p>