Summer Research Help.

I’m applying to three summer programs; Harvard Summer School, Boston University Summer Research Internship, and the Summer Science Program (http:// www . summerscience . org) ← without spaces. It has basically come down to BU and SSP. Which one should I do? Both have what I want to do in a summer program, but BU is like an hour from my house while SSP is across the country. Also, which one would help me get into a better college?

Any suggestions?




<p>Your attending a summer program does not really do a whole lot in boosting your application for admissions, it will be treated like an EC which you paid to attend. So just do the program that you are most interested in.</p>

<p>I know, but if I did BU I would be entering my project into Siemens-Westinghouse and/or Intel. SSP has a high number of alumni that attend(ed) CalTech, MIT, and other highly-rated schools. I was just wondering if programs like SSP actually help people get into CalTech / MIT?</p>

<p>I think you have already answered your question. In the long run being able to enter your project in Siemens-Westinghouse and/or Intel and possibly winning or placing in the competition is going to do a lot more for you than meeting alumni (most which can do nothing for you in the admissions process other than make the adcoms resent you for beleiving that you can get in based on who you know rather than what you bring to the table).</p>

<p>There are quite a few MIT alums current parents, and Parents of prospective 09 accepted EA who post on the parent forum, maybe you might want to pose your question there and gain more insight.</p>

<p>All the best to you.</p>