<p>I'm a senior in high school going into CS in the college of engineering next year at UIUC. I was notified today that I received a full-ride scholarship to the summer scholars program there, which lasts basically the entire summer and has final exams the same week my family just booked a flight for our vacation in California (we live in IL and literally just booked the flight today at 10 am, the email came with the full ride at 11 am). My parents said they would be willing to cancel my flight ticket (and pay the associated fees), but I'm not sure if I want to spend my entire summer in school, even though I would love to go. I was wondering if anyone on here has attended the summer scholars program at UIUC. Any advice on what to do here? I was thinking of going to both, but we come back from the three-day california trip the day before final exams are supposed to be for the UIUC summer program and I'm not sure if the school would allow me to go back and forth.</p>