<p>im looking for info on getting housing on campus during the summer sessions (im a 1st yr student here) and I found some info, but not enough to find where I pay/sign up for rooms/roomates nor for info on WHAT dates I can move-in for the summer sessions ... help ...</p>
<p>you should sign up asap.
<a href="http://map.ais.ucla.edu/portal/site/UCLA/menuitem.789d0eb6c76e7ef0d66b02ddf848344a/?vgnextoid=2f925bce67f39010VgnVCM200000dd6643a4RCRD%5B/url%5D">http://map.ais.ucla.edu/portal/site/UCLA/menuitem.789d0eb6c76e7ef0d66b02ddf848344a/?vgnextoid=2f925bce67f39010VgnVCM200000dd6643a4RCRD</a></p>
<p>that site should give u all the info</p>
<p>That website has all the details.</p>
<p>Just for anyone who's lazy to navigate the site, the on campus summer residence locations include Rieber Hall, Saxon Suites, and apartments.</p>