Summer School?

<p>Would it be more beneficial for me to plan my schedule so that I only have 2 hard science classes during each semester and take 1 summer school course. Or should I try do a semester with 3 hard science classes and independent lab research.</p>

<p>Do a lot of students take summer courses? If not, what do most students do during their summers (science majors)?</p>

<p>My daughter’s pre-pharmacy advisor says do NOT take more than two hard science classes in one semester. Last fall she had Chem 109H and Physics 103, this semester she has Bio 151 and Organic Chemistry. She will take second semester Organic Chemistry in summer, and Bio 152 and OChem lab in fall. She will also start her independent lab research project for Bio 152 this summer and finish it in fall.</p>

<p>Have you talked to your advisor?</p>

<p>Summers are awesome. Things are less crowded but still lively enough. Rents are low. Many take a class and work as there is time to do both. About 15,000 students on campus plus many coming in for non-credit programs and research.</p>

<p>You need to check the course availability when making your plans. Many of the courses you will want/need may not be offered. You need to plan ahead, such as the schedule planned in post #2. As a Chemistry major I was immersed in sciences- much depends on your major and your definition of “hard”. You need to decide if a compromise in course is warranted- especially for honors and versions of subject material (eg which chemistry or biology works for your plans). Definitely talk to your advisor.</p>

<p>Jenny, unless you have a true predisposition/aptitude for science–the ‘science brain’ as we like to call it–I would agree that two difficult science classes per semester is plenty. My D has found this out the hard way a couple different times, and had to drop the third one in each case. And DO look forward to check out when all your science prerequisites are offered in the future–some are either fall or spring, not both.</p>

<p>Not to say that taking a science class in the summer is any picnic either. She took a 5 credit Physiology class last summer, and she compared it to being ‘shot out of a cannon’, with the compressive nature of the summer schedule. Factor in–for better and for worse–trying to study out on the Union Terrace, one of the greatest places on Earth on a warm June day, and there’s your summer session in Madison. Oh, my D will be taking classes again this coming summer–guess it wasn’t THAT bad… :)</p>