Summer Seminar

<p>The 2009 USAFA Summer Seminar application is now on the academy website. It is open from Dec 1 - Feb 28. I already applied. :)</p>

<p>goodluck to ya!!! should be a good time</p>

<p>awww, how fun!
people make fun of me, but i don’t care. my roommate from ss is one of my best friends here.</p>

<p>Good Job! If you get in, you got further than I did! Good luck to you! :D</p>

<p>Thanks! Now I just have to cross my fingers and wait…</p>

<p>i was never accepted to summer seminar haha</p>

<p>It’s a lot of fun. Just make sure that if you do get accepted, and this is for all others who may be accepted too, you make the absolute best of it. Forge the bonds within the element early, they’ll help immensely during the week and especially Doolie for a Day. I still talk whenever I can to a few of the people from my element.
Best of luck to you and all who apply to summer seminar.</p>

<p>Soaring Son did not get accepted to USAFA Summer Seminar either, but he now “Never Falters/Never Fails.” My point is, don’t give up your AF dream, even if you do not get into the Summer Seminar.</p>

<p>Also, he would have me pass this on. If you want to get a good preview taste of what BCT/Cadet Life will be like - go to the Coast Guard Summer Program. There were people who “broke down” and dropped out during the week! He said it was a really grueling time.</p>

<p>When I was in Summer Seminar here at the Academy, there were 2 people who dropped out. I guess they just realized that this wasn’t the place for them.</p>

<p>As I said earlier, I didn’t get into the Air Force SS. But I did get into the Navy SS. ANY place you can go to get that experience will work. I got roughly the same as any SS. A summer seminar is a summer seminar, so my friends said that went to all three. So if you don’t get in, definitely take advantage of another academy’s program. Like Soaring said, another one will work fine. And even though I went to Navy, Air Force is still my number one choice. SO STICK WITH IT!!! :smiley: AND GOOD LUCK! (again)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I loved ss…my element was 1st overall! Go killer lampshades!</p>

<p>SS was AWESOME! Go if you get the chance, and good job DMAC, mine was, well, not first, but GO SQUIRDLE SQUAD!</p>

<p>beware-for the most part, our ss was fun summer camp. this is not really an accurate depiction of cadet life, but it gave you a taste of the campus, and a cadet to ask questions (and ask we did.)</p>

<p>i’ve talked to kids who went to navy, and they actually did more “freshmen stuff” if you know what i mean.</p>

<p>go, by all means, if you get in. as everyone has said, it’s an absolute blast, but know that it’s not what life here is really about. :)</p>

<p>I’ll agree with that. Even Navy wasn’t very much what freshmen life is like. But you will definitely have fun!</p>

<p>Not that it matters (to me, at least) but how is SS run? What do you do and how do you live (you’re split into elements, which I assume also means you have flights and squadrons)? I never went, so I’m a little curious.</p>

<p>Ya, we were split up into elements and stayed in the dorms there with our roommate who was a member of our element. We formed up as a squadron for lunch formation. And everything was run by cadets entering their firstie year.</p>

<p>Oh, and yes, NASS maintained a slightly more serious tone throughout the week. But actually, IMO the AFA SS doolie for a day was more intense and continuous (shouting wise, reciting knowledge, calling minutes, etc.) than NASS. The NASS sea trials (the last day), was a little more intense physical wise.</p>

<p>I can tell you how the Navy SS was run, seeing as i didn’t go to the AF one, but I think they are similar. In ours, we were split up into groups and formations as it would be in the Navy, and then we had classes through out the week on different courses that we had signed up for beforehand. In mine, the classes went from Martial Arts to Cell Biology and Engineering and such. WE had to take the CFA the second day we were there, and two days later we took the test that the cadets (or mids) take during the year called (I think) the PRT. You sleep in the dorms, eat in the mess hall and have intramurals out on the grounds and sports fields. We had PT every morning, and then had room checks every now and then.
Then, towards the end of the week for only half an hour, they lined us up in the hall way and we had knowledge tests and did push ups if we didn’t know them.
(Lucky for us, three kids got caught earlier that day skipping class then denying it, so all the cadre went and chewed them out and we had it relatively easy ;))
So ya, thats about it. All I can think of anyways. And again, that was Navy so chekc with Semper or others on the AF one. :)</p>

<p>PS: Sea trials WAS pretty intense haha but still fun!</p>

<p>(Lucky for us, three kids got caught earlier that day skipping class then denying it, so all the cadre went and chewed them out and we had it relatively easy )</p>

<p>WOW! They broke the honor code, what stupids!</p>

<p>Oh ya hehe lets just say they probably wont be there next year! I mean, really of all the stupid things to do… haha</p>

<p>HAHA! did they still wanna attend after they got screamed at?</p>