summer session at Cal

<p>what's a reasonable number of classes / units to take over the summer?
what'd you take?
how'd you manage?</p>

<p>more specifically, as a transfer student, completing the prerequisite requirements for the Philosophy major = intensive reading.</p>

<p>I only took 4 units last time when I did my summer session last summer, but 8 units is considered a full workload and should be equivalent to a 16 unit semester (my roommate took 8 units and seem to be pretty busy). I took South Asian R5B and found the workload to be much more than I expected (I’m an EECS major, so reading & writing essays aren’t exactly my favorite things to do). I had 2 hours of class and 60-80 pages of reading every day (with an essay every weekend). I ended up doing just fine (got an A), but I really hated having so much reading every day and having to worry about writing an essay every weekend.</p>


A “lab class”? Do you mean a class with labs or a class that’s focused/oriented on the labs? I ask because I’m thinking of taking EE 40 and CS 61C this summer.</p>

<p>What about taking something like Bio 1b and math 16b together during session C?</p>

<p>Do we get telebears appointments for summer sessions or is it just that we have to sign up on a certain day? How does financial aid apply to summer sessions as I have been wondering for a long time? When we re-apply for FAFSA, which is due early March, do we check off that we will attend summer sessions and receive financial aid for the summer or does the university not give aid during the summer?</p>

<p>Is taking Physics 7A and Math 55 in session C a good idea?</p>

<p>Honestly guys, keep it down during summer. I’m pretty suicidal about how I do my semesters, but don’t burn out over summer. Freshen up a bit.</p>

<p>Definitely don’t do more than 1 of Physics and Math 55, to that poster. No matter how brilliant you are, or ambitious you are – having class and exams and all that overloaded is annoying and draining, and not what should happen over summer.</p>

<p>If people want to keep intellectually active over summer, I’m more in favor of doing it through less traditional means. Just read a physics book for fun, do research, or something like that. Anything with flexible hours.</p>

<p>It’s not that I want to have heavily loaded schedules all the time, but I have a lot of classes that I want or need to take. And the engineering school requires that I graduate within 4.5 years. </p>

<p>Is it possible to do two summer sesssions such as A and C?</p>

<p>Sure, I wouldn’t say you’re wanting to do them all the time, and I don’t mean to brush your concern off. I’m just giving friendly advice based on my experience. I wanted to do something like what you’re planning once, and decided against it.</p>

<p>“I have a lot of classes that I want or need to take”</p>

<p>The WANT part is likely the problem =] honestly man, you can likely do just one course in summertime and add something to some semester with less pain, because remember summer classes are ultra compressed. That’s what makes it suck. 2 classes in summer is a LOT more than one.</p>

<p>Not sure about A and C. Anyway, best wishes, I’m sure you can do it, and I again don’t mean to brush off the concerns.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, Leftist, mathboy! It’s really helpful…I just wish I had more time for all these classes</p>

<p>Math 16B + German r5b fine?</p>

<p>early as in like the first day!</p>

<p>what about C and D?
i need to take Bio 1B (no LABS, just lecture) but that’s only 4 units. and i need at least 2 units more for financial aid so the only class is a 2 unit Social welfare upperdiv.</p>

<p>how are social welfare upper divs in general? [ive never taken any; im a sophomore.]</p>

<p>i know it has labs but i don’t need to take it b/c i passed the lab portion.</p>

<p>What about doing an R1A course during session A, then doing math 16B during session C, and R1B during session D?</p>

<p>what about chem 3b/bl and music 20a?</p>

<p>Does anybody know when housing applications for summer are due?</p>

<p>If you can juggle three ladies in one night, then you should be able to handle three classes. If you are a virgin, then you can take six classes (three in each session of course).</p>

<p>If I plan on doing A & C how will the housing work… if i plan to live in the dorms?
C starts towards the end of A. and in housing for A ends before I can end C. Will I have to move to a different room? -.-</p>

<p>Is it quiet cause no one’s there? or … what’s the reason.</p>