Summer study of ancient Greek?

<p>My DS would like to study ancient Greek this summer. Does anyone know of programs, either domestic or abroad, that might offer such a course of study? Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>U of Chicago has an outstanding summer language program and Greek is one of the languages offered. They also had a 3 week travel abroad program last year [don't know if it's offered each year] to study the ancient world through Greek drama.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Archaeological</a> Program in Greece</p>

<p>Disclosure: the professor who runs this is a distant cousin. I've heard great things about the program--but they were all from other distant cousins who went on the trip.</p>

<p>Carolyn's S studied Ancient Greek at CTY. PM her.</p>

<p>It has been offered at NYU in the summer.</p>

<p>The Schoder books are excellent for self-study of Homeric Greek.</p>

<p>I know a kid who did Greek at CTY also. Since CTY is designed for middle schoolers older high schoolers may find it overly restrictive. (My older son had no problem summer after 9th grade.)</p>

<p>The University of Texas has a summer program, as does the University of Dallas.</p>

<p>I know a Wellsley undergrad who did ancient Greek this summer at the CUNY grad center. She enjoyed it. CUNY</a> Graduate Center Classics</p>