<p>It's that time of year again believe it or not. So what are your service academy kids doing for their summer training?</p>
<p>My son is going to be a 2/c at the CGA. He has signed up for swab summer cadre. But the Coasties have a varied program. Along with three weeks leave he will be doing:</p>
<p>Rifle and gun qualification at the Academy.</p>
<p>Damage Control Training at the Academy.</p>
<p>Cadet Aviation Training Program at Elizabeth City, NC. This gives the cadets an intro to helos and fixed wing aircraft.</p>
<p>Ship Control and Navigation Training Simulator (SCANTS)-Held at the Academy.</p>
<p>Coastal Sail Training Program (CSTP)-This is a 12-day program in which the cadets sail in New England waters on 44-foot yawls.</p>
<p>Well, D's summer training goes like this--she will be starting her 3rd year at USMA this summer:</p>
<p>She returns from a week in Greece with the Sociology Dept this weekend. After finishing up finals and grad week at the academy this month she heads for Hawaii for a stint with a Military Intelligence Unit in the 25th Inf Div. That training will last abt a month. After abt 10 days leave she will be headed to England for a month at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. A few days after that she reports to the Air Force Academy as an exchange student for the first semester, and then its back to West Point after Christmas leave. </p>
<p>We are pretty excited as this will be the first year she will be able to actually come home for Thanksgiving since she will be much closer in Colorado Springs this November.</p>
<p>Sure would like to hear abt other summer plans---these kids have a pretty exciting life right now!!!</p>
<p>Since we are all in the same year . . .well, okay, our children are all in the same year. [Does that mean we disappear from these threads and FINALLY give up the ghost after '09?]</p>
<p>Son's summer sound relatively tame.
He spend a month sailing [literally, sailing] about the Severn and the Chesapeake with plebe sailing cadre and other sailing assignments.
I guess that is enough for him.</p>
<p>He has additional training assignments in or about Annapolis/Wash. D.C.</p>
<p>Daughter will be home grad week for CPRC. She'll meet with appointees scheduled to be at Beast this summer. She will attend an engineering school with soldiers who have been assigned to work in the area she's majoring in. Then she returns to WP to be a squad leader for 1st detail of Beast. (Don't anybody step on any of her lines.) Then Air Assault. Then something in Canada - I suspect it's vacation. Then back to WP for Re-Orgy Week. What a blast!</p>
<p>The really nice thing is that I'll be at West Point for R-Day. I can finally get some pictures of her in uniform.</p>
<p>My 2/C's thrilled, he's going to be doing IFS (Introductory Flight Screening) this summer and that's it. He put in for Plebe Summer Cadre, but since he did PS Weapons Detail last year, he's already qualified for his Small Unit Leadership and there are kids in his company who haven't yet. He also put in for an aviation cruise, but all he got was IFS. He's happy to be able to get it out of the way over the summer and not have to deal with it once Ac Year starts. He'll be in Annapolis for 6 weeks but home before and after (until Reform). It's going to be the most time at home since 3/C summer. </p>
<p>He and 3 high school buddies are heading out to Las Vegas for 4 days. That should be interesting!!</p>
<p>NROTC S will be joining a deployed guided misile frigate off the coast of South America for a month of training while participating in the Partnership of the Americas which involves training with Naval vessels/crews from other nations.</p>
<p>so here i sit, still waiting to "get the news" of summer assignements! All the thorpedo has divulged is "ships" and "YP," but where/when remains a mystery to us- he isn't telling us a word! I think his focus is still on finals (last one will be monday) and I believe he is of the mindset "one hurdle at a time." </p>
wait till he see's what lies ahead at sea trials! :eek:</p>
<p>So far, what dd thinks she's doing is home for three weeks for kayaking, then surface cruise, then YP boats. She's one of the few plebes who haven't had the schedule changed, but that's because she's never been told exactly what's going on!</p>
<p>Five weeks at a small boat station, then flies to Puerto Rico to meet up with the Eagle for five weeks, with stops in Columbia and Mexico, then back to Miami, then three luxurious weeks off with family and friends. Can't wait to see my cadet in August. This first year was a real rollercoaster for all of us. </p>
<p>We are proud of him and all the cadets and mids out there!</p>
<p>My soon to be Firstie son, USMA 2008, will travel to Walter Reed Army Hospital for three weeks than will be back at West Point for Beast 1. He is on track to becoming an Army doctor someday. I can't believe how fast the first three years have gone by. ( My son will tell you different)</p>
<p>My S's plans keep changing. First he was going to be flying to Jordan to board a ship, then it was changed to a South American cruise that he would join in Chile. Now today he calls and says it has changed again and he will now be flying to Turkey to join a ship and end up in Italy! Hope this is the last change. My head is spinning! S is shopping for a PSP to pass the time on the long flight to Turkey!</p>