SUNY Binghamton Class of 2022

Celebrating my son’s first college acceptance! SUNY Binghamton, Harpur, future major in history or something similar. He heard from Binghamton tonight. He got an email to check the portal because his status had changed, and the acceptance was on the portal. Whew! What a relief.

@altoqueen: my son has an ACT of 33 and a UW GPA of about 94 from a dual curriculum HS and has taken mostly honors and APs. So I am concerned.

congratulations @TheGreyKing …same feeling yest for us… today went a little less stressful still waiting for all the remainig

This is insanely stressful :frowning: I hate the way Bing notifies people of their decisions. Ridiculous.

@TheGreyKing what time did the email come?

@altoqueen -Son opened it at 7:46. Before that he had last checked his email at 6:50 or so, then did some homework, then checked again, so it came some time during that hour.
@margarett - I can relate. I was nervous as I read here that other kids with good stats got in on Tuesday. But then he got in tonight. Who knows? Could depend which admissions counselor is reading your app, which region, which school, etc.
@comom25 Thanks.

thanks TheGreyKing. Glad the wait is over for you and your son.

I also received an email at 7:15 as did some other people from my school.

Accepted !!!
In state
32 ACT 4.42 GPA

Pretty sure I submitted around Oct 20th

Anyone with an ACT of 33 or higher still waiting to hear from SOM?

I am still waiting to hear. I applied 10/9 to Harpur and I am instate. I have a 34 act.

thanks bingbuddy225! that makes me feel a little better

submitted my app to Bing late October to be considered for early action. I’m seeing that a lot of people from y school and area (I’m instate) are receiving acceptance letters and it’s making me very anxious. I wanna know if i have a chance at getting accepted for EA, or if i have a chance at being deferred and accepted RD. Here are my stats:

GPA: 95/100
ACT: 29 (only took it once)
Strong essays and recommendation letters
In 3 clubs, NHS, Volunteer with special needs kids and at a hospital
Taking very rigorous courses:
2 AP’s overall (AP World and AP Stats and got 3’s)
IB HOTA jr year
IB Bio jr & sr year
Physics sr year
IB Anthro
taken 4 years of math, science, social studies, art, english
IB English
Taken 3+ honors classes
(I applied to Harpur btw)

@pbeachh You’re fine! you’re most likely going to get in the first round of EA and if not you will make it for sure in the RD round! don’t stress

@altoqueen thank u sm

For the instate people that got in, how close to Bing are you guys? Wondering if anyone else in Orange County got a response yet… I don’t know if they do it by location but just wondering!

We live in Suffolk County.

My D was accepted tonight to Harpur. 94.6 unweighted. 1480 SAT, 33 SS ACT. Instate. Applied end of October.

Anyone admitted to Decker yet?