SUNY Binghamton class of 2022

I was wondering if anyone could help me with my chances of being accepted, Binghamton is my first choice and I applied to Harpur.
GPA W: 96
SAT: 1270 (670 reading/writing, 600 math)
(Poly Sci major)
7 AP classes, 6 college classes, and multiple honors courses.
I’m in
National Honor Sociey,
Foreign Language Honor Society,
Tri-M music honor society,
I’m the President of the International Thespian Society.
I’m also an AP Capstone diploma candidate because I’m completing the program and have scored 3 or higher on all my other AP classes. ( The program is very new and only offered in certain schools)

I won my town pageant this year for exceptional grades, a multitude of community service hours, and my character. Through this I have run multiple community service events locally and work with government officials.

I’m in both the musical and play at my school every year and competed in a Shakespeare competition every year.

I am in multiple musicals at my community theatre

I’m in the vocal jazz ensemble, where we perform at many community service events.

I’m a memeber of the key club and participate in many community service events.

I am a volunteer at my church almost every week at mass.
I also volunteer to help with a local Girl Scout troop

I work part time all year and I take on another job as a camp counselor in the summer.

I have been committed to all these clubs and activities all through high shoool and I also have visited the school and went to the Binghamton meeting when the admission counselor visited my school to show demonstrated interest.