SUNY Buffalo vs. Oneonta vs. Geneseo for History

Hello! My son was accepted to several different SUNYs, and after deciding against Albany, Plattsburgh, New Paltz, has narrowed it down to Geneseo, Oneonta, and the University at Buffalo.

He would like to major in history and is also interested in film studies and creative writing, all of which are offered by each school. We live in Queens, and he is currently weighing several factors, including academic strength and overall environment.

A bit of background: We live in a very diverse neighborhood and he attends a very diverse urban school; but he leans conservative politically (maybe in reaction to his liberal parents). The dual upshot of this is that while he wouldn’t mind at least being close to an urban center (for example, Rochester in the case of Geneseo), he’s also wondering where he might be more likely to find other kids who share his ideological leanings. (Not many at the High School of Fashion Industries in Manhattan!)

Oneonta really spoke to him–he liked the campus and sense of community–but he was impressed with the academics at Geneseo, and also favorably impressed with Buffalo on several levels.

The downside at Geneseo seems to be that the main library is closed for renovations until 2024-2025. The smaller temporary space they are using has much less study space, and the stacks are closed–and may never be reopened. (Items now have to be requested and placed on a hold shelf, and according to a librarian I spoke with, they might keep that model even once the newly renovated library reopens.) He has really enjoyed browsing the stacks at the other colleges he’s visited, so that troubles him.

And he’s a little intimidated by the sheer size of Buffalo, though he really liked what he saw on a recent campus visit.

Any thoughts or advice for a confused young man and his confused parents? :slight_smile:

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For his major, I would 100% recommend Geneseo, though I understand the problem with the closed library. :frowning:
Did he get into Honors at Suny Buffalo or Oneonta?

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I’m sure he’ll find study spaces - in the dorm, in empty classrooms (my daughter does this - even in departments she doesn’t belong to, the student center…off campus complexes have them for residents.

I’m sure it’s a worry up front but I would not think it will be an issue when there. You might check some of these thoughts to see. But my daughter studies in various places on her campus (or off).

Good luck.

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Amazing choices! Can’t go wrong - but each is pretty different. Buffalo=huge/city… Geneseo=small/rural… (SO pretty!) Oneonta=somewhere in between in size and surroundings, but much closer to home. Is that s consideration?
Those I know who have attended each have loved them all equally.
I’m sure Geneseo will create a worthwhile and wonderful temp library space.
Best of luck!!

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Thank you all so much! And I apologize for going silent–for some reason, notifications didn’t work for me!

He ultimately decided on Buffalo, though it was a close call. But in the end, he felt that he liked the campus, and it lacked the particular drawbacks of the other schools–in particular, Oneonta’s isolation, and the library situation at Geneseo. (Turns out he really likes browsing the stacks!)

Thank you all so much for weighing in!


Thanks for letting us know. Congrats on the decision.

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I didn’t even get to comment about Buffalo! Glad he made his decision. He’ll like it there. Our SOCal daughter graduated from Buffalo, 10 years ago, in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and has not stopped going up the corporate ladder. I think he will enjoy his time there!

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Answering this not as a parent, but as a historian – the history faculty at Buffalo is top-notch. Several distinguished professors in that department. I’m not as familiar with the other departments, so this isn’t a knock against them.


I know very happy kids at all those schools, but it’s great to hear he made a choice. I would have voted for Geneseo, simply because it’s a wonderful-sized and lovely campus.

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