Suny Geneseo or The College of New Jersey?

<p>Hey everyone, </p>

<p>I was accepted to both TCNJ and SUNY Geneseo, both top masters colleges in the north. I know both of these schools are great schools, but I am trying to weigh the pro's and cons in each. Things to consider:</p>

<li>Personally, I live 1 hr 30 min away from TCNJ and 5 hrs away from Geneseo</li>
<li>Will be undecided in both schools</li>

<p>I am interested in who is superior in </p>

-Social Life
- Reputation
- Job Placement
- Campus Aesthetics</p>

<p>and anything else that is important that you want to discuss!!!</p>


<p>My S was accepted to both also. Merit money to out of state students is not great; did you apply for it, or is that not an issue? That has taken it out of consideration for my S. TCNJ campus is very pretty. Even during our visit last summer, the grounds were manicured and the flower beds were gorgeous. Many academic buildings are new, with glass covered atriums in the center, set up for study and conversations. Classrooms off to one side, faculty offices on the other. </p>

<p>I see that you live in Staten Island. You can fly to Rochester out of Kennedy or La Guardia. Same hour and 1/2; different mode of transportation.</p>

<p>Academically, they are probably equally challenging. Good luck with your choice.</p>


My S visited Geneseo for the overnight 4/13-4/14. If you like a small rural setting Geneseo is just beautiful. The town is on a national historic registry.The college is on the side of a hill, with Main Street of Geneseo at the top. Students are very friendly and very proud of their school. They have a high retention rate. The Administrators stressed that the emphasis is on undergraduate studies. There seem to be tons of things to do when not studying, but you have to seek them out. Everyone we spoke to said the classes are very hard. The students are from all over New York, with a lot from the surrounding areas within an hour or so from campus. We flew from Kennedy to Rochester, and it is a easy drive(30-40 min) from there. I will say though that coming home last night was not fun. The flight was delayed, then cancelled. We had two choices; fly to Newark and take a bus to Kennedy, or wait until today. Then the flight to Newark was delayed. Anyway, if you have any other specific questions feel free..</p>

<p>Which did you like better Geneseo or TCNJ, just as two schools and not considering cost?</p>

<p>I think Geneseo would just not be worth it distance-wise for me, I don't want to go through that whole process everytime I want to get the 5 hours home. I think TCNJ is good because its a great school and is an hr and a half away. What do you think after seeing them both?</p>

<p>I'm a student at Geneseo now, and I was actually thinking of transferring to TCNJ, so this thread is of some interest to me, lol</p>

<p>Anyway, I can say that the academic environment at Geneseo is very challenging. The teachers however, are willing to help you succeed if you seek them out. As well, several of my classes these past two semesters (I'm a freshman btw,) had SI leaders, which are basically students who previously took the course and did very well in it, and have come back to act as a student teacher of sorts. They are usually helpful too.</p>

<p>The social life is ok- people on campus are very nice and friendly. However, there is usually not much to do on the weekends. The school has Late Knight activities which occasionally are good, but usually most people will go out to drink. The frats and sororities have a noticeable presence on campus, but there is usually no pressure to join. </p>

<p>Regarding the distance from your home, I would say that if you are close to your family, and would actually like to see them more than every two months, then pick TCNJ. I live 7-8 hours away from Geneseo, and I can say that it is really depressing when everyone goes home for Easter, and I had to stay here because the airfare was too expensive >.< This is one of the primary reasons I want to transfer actually.</p>

<p>As for TCNJ, my good friend goes there now, and loves it. It actually sounds very similar to Geneseo, with the exception that it is within an hour from Philly, and just a bit longer to NYC, which means that there's civilization within driving distance :-P The only negative I've heard is that the surrounding town has some sketchy parts, while Geneseo has a tiny adorable town that is not sketchy at all.</p>

<p>Haha that is pretty interesting to hear that you're making the same comparison! I am going to go to TCNJ I decided, cause its a good school and my cousins all went there. Everyone is so damn happy there, and I figure it can't hurt to find out why!!!</p>