SUNY Geneseo vs Hofstra

<p>Need to decide in the next couple of days.... I know Geneseo would probably be considered a better school, but S is interested in Business or a Math/Eco type of degree. Hofstra has a good business school and offers a Finance degree. Geneseo is more limited. School of Buisness only has Actg, Eco or generic Business Administration concentrations. Can do Math/Eco there but if that doesn't work out not many other options. Also like the NYC proximity (vs Rochester) for internship and networking opportunities. Would love to hear opinions.</p>

<p>My son/freshman at JMU, has a few friends at Geneseo. We live on LI, very near Hofstra. Don't know anyone who goes to Hofstra. I know a few people who have gotten undergrad elsewhere, and went to Hofstra for graduate school. The kids who go to Geneseo like it. The school work is hard, the campus is beautiful, it is very cold in winter. The town is small. Hofstra campus is also nice, the area is somewhat surburban, chain restaurants, stores, that kind of thing. Hofstra is close to the city, 40 minutes by train. Where are you from? Would your son be living on campus at both schools? Here on LI, Geneseo is very tough to gain admission as a freshman, my son was given deferred admission for Spring. Hofstra would be easier to get into. Both schools are well known, here on LI.</p>

<p>Both Hofstra and Geneseo have a high percentage of students who live off-campus. It's over 50% of all undergrads at Geneseo, not sure how many at Hofstra. Regardless, I can understand how it would be relatively easy, if not cheap, to find housing on LI. But where do they put all those students -- 2,500+ by my reckoning -- in the Geneseo area??</p>

<p>hvalley - I don't mean to be critical, but you're way off base on your evaluations of both areas.</p>

<p>Off-campus housing is plentiful, and about the same price as on-campus housing, in Geneseo... and it's all within a brief walk to campus. Hofstra buts up against Nassau Coliseum and the Meadowbrook Parkway. I'd bet that the "off-campus" population at Hofstra is living at home, not right off campus, and commutes that way. There's no "college town" near Hofstra; off-campus housing is almost definitely more expensive on LI than it would be in Geneseo.</p>


<p>Chris -- You live there, not me, so I'm sure you are correct that you need a car to get from most off-campus housing to Hofstra. But I do know there is off-camus housing on Long Island, because the kids I employed over the years who attended Hofstra all lived off-campus after their freshman years. And I think we are in agreement that housing on Long Island is expensive...that's exactly what I said.</p>

<p>As for Geneseo, it has been a few years since I was up that way, but I at the time it did not seem possible that half the campus could be accomodated locally in off-campus housing. If that is indeed the case that's great (although I'm sure there are days when the preferred means to get to campus is neither by foot or by car, but by x-country skis).</p>

<p>We live on Long Island but he would live on-campus at either one (Geneseo & Hofstra). He plans to play soccer and it's tough to commute and play a sport also. My daughter will be a senior at Geneseo so I know a little about off-campus living issue. I think like 60% of students live on-campus, but most of the off-campus houses in Geneseo are actually closer to the classrooms than many of the dorms and participate in many of the campus activities. At Hofstra the off-campus population is more commuter based and consists of students living at home with parents. I think from all measures Geneseo is the better school, just concerned about intern/job opportunities in comparing a school based near Rochester versus one in teh NYC area.</p>

<p>hudson, over 50% of undergrads are definitely NOT off-campus at geneseo. You have to live on campus as both a freshman and a sophomore, so that's half right there, and transfers are guaranteed housing, and most take it. at least 60% are on campus. there are 17 residence halls for a school with just 5,000 students.</p>

<p>Ocean -- You are correct. Half of upperclassmen live off-campus. Close too 100% of freshmen live on-campus, then it begins dropping. Here's the data from Geneseo's website (Student Life of the latest CDS):</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Did your son get a scholarship to Hofstra?</p>

<p>Yes Presidential @ $18K per year. Still about $8K more expensive than Geneseo.</p>

<p>Hofstra is not even close academically to Geneseo.... so save your money.</p>

<p>i agree with mcvcm.</p>

<p>Agree with mcvcm92 and oceangirl...</p>

<p>I agree with mcvcm92, oceangirl, and Geneseograd. If you do some research you'll realize why we are all agreeing on eachother.</p>

<p>i agree with mcvm92, oceangirl, geneseograd, and blazinreaper (that was fun)</p>

<p>geneseo > hofstra </p>

<p>in both the academic and financial aspect.</p>

<p>I disagree with mcvm92, oceangirl, geneseograd, blazinreaper, and stephenn. Hofstra is better.</p>