SUNY School Advice/Questions


<p>My question really has to deal which which of the Suny school(s) is/are best for doing pre-med? I understand that pre-med is not a major but only a guidline of what course Med Schools are looking for, but which school(s) is strongest in this departmant of science? So far I have been accepted into Suny: Albany, Stony Brook, Buffalo, and Geneseo and waiting on Binghamton. I have heard Stony Brook is strong in Science, while Buffalo has its own Medical School. Geneseo I hear is similar to a small LAC and Binghamton is supposedly the "best" out of all of them. Nonetheless I also have plans to maybe transfer 2nd/3rd year to a second tier university. That being said, any suggestions on where I might be better off going or are all of them on the same level?</p>

<p>Stony Brook also has its own med school. I dont really know much about the SUNYs though, so i cant really say but I dont see a reason u should'll get a pretty similar education at any one of those three SUNYs while paying alot less.</p>