<p>Hey guys! So as all of you know, acceptance and rejection letters are starting to come slowly. I am currently a Junior at my highschool but I was talking to a few of my friends and one of them has a 3.5 gpa, 13 extra cirricular activites, and around a 1960 on his SAT but got deferred from St. Johns which (I hear) is an easy college to get accepted into. Another of my friends has a 3.6 gpa, 1800ish on his SAT, also quite a few extra cirics but got deferred from SUNY Stony Brook. AND NOW THIS IS STARTING TO SCARE ME!! I really want to go to either SUNY Stony Brook, BU, Rutgers, or SUNY Binghampton but now I am worried that I also will not make it. My stats are as follows:</p>
<p>GPA - 3.52</p>
<p>SAT/ACT - Have not taken them yet but got a 165 on my PSAT but am studying to bring that up since i did not study for the PSAT</p>
<p>Extra Cirics: Math League (3 years), Winter Track (3), Spring Track (3), Football (1), Science Olympiad (2), JETS (Junior Engeniers of Today (2)), Volunteer as a CCD teacher at my Church (3), Interact Club (3), Model UN (3), Kick-Off Mentor (2), Cashier at Sears (2), Peer Tutor (3)</p>
<p>*I am also planning on volunteering over the summer at an ambulance corp</p>
<p>Can anyone who has gotten into any of the schools I wish to go to or anyone that has any useful information, please post here? Thanks!!</p>
<p>it might be a little harder to get into state schools this year due to the economy creating a higher number of applicants who can’t afford private schools.</p>
<p>you are pretty much in. youre a great applicant with a few academic weaknesses</p>
<p>I live right next to Stony Brook. It’s certainly an above average state school, but it’s like top 20 nationwide for Computer Science and also very good for physics and just science in general.</p>
<p>With your stats, I would say you should definitely aim to get atleast a 1900 on the SAT, certainly becoming a hard-a$$ school to get into.</p>
<p>oh yea and Binghamton is about the same difficulty to get in, but a much less desired location.
Keep in mind, its like safety for most kids who apply to ivies (well atleast from NY).</p>
<p>yea my GPA isnt that great. I slacked off freshman year and got stuck with a 3.33. I improved sophmore year and got a 3.7, hopefully colleges notice the improvement. Am I out of the league of Penn State and Boston University or am I good candidate?</p>
<p>Your stats are similar to mine:</p>
<p>3.5-3.6 GPA and 1690 on SAT’s.</p>
<p>I got deferred from Boston University so I think you have a chance since you have time to improve your stats.</p>
<p>^ honestly, I know people who are at these schools, but my high school is extremely competitive, so we have like a whole separate criteria kinda.
According to my school’s naviance network,people were able to get into BU with a solid B+ average and a 1340 SAT (cr+math).For my school it was like a safety for kids who take AP classes and a reach for those who were in regular class. But then again thats only for my school.</p>
<p>It was actually easier to get into Penn State than Stony Brook. and that says a lot, considering my school has VERY good ties to Stony Brook</p>
<p>I had a 3.11 GPA and 1780 SAT and got into SBU. I think that was because I’m OOS though.</p>
<p>“It was actually easier to get into Penn State than Stony Brook. and that says a lot, considering my school has VERY good ties to Stony Brook”</p>
<p>Branch campus yes, but not University Park.</p>