SUNY Student Teaching!!

Hi everyone!

I was just wondering if these SUNY schools had student teaching on long island preferably in suffolk. I know some SUNYS only have student teaching in their area that is why i’m asking! Thanks so much for your help and feel free to add any schools that you know do (they don’t have to be sunys)!

New Paltz

I don’t know exactly how the student teaching works, but my S’s HS friend was very happy at SUNY New Paltz for education and he was able to student teach near where we live.

I’m going to say that probably none of those schools will let you student teach in long island because you have a clinical instructor that has to go and observe you x amount of times. I live it took my 2.5 hours to get to oneonta and 3 to get to cortland from my house (20 minutes south of new paltz) and its about an extra hour and a half to long islan . Professors have many education students that they need to observe and it would be a huge inconvenience to have to make those trips.

If there were multiple students intereste . Enough to make it worth it then I would say MAYBE new paltz would do it but certainly not the others

Have you looked at SUNY old westbury? Do they have education? Or stony brook?

What about the CUNY schools? Hunter specifically comes to mind.

I would look at school closer to LI as that would be your best bet, since most schools do placements within 30 minutes or so of the school.

Just went to accepted students today- I was totally wrong; they have off site clinical advisors, so yes you can student teach by your school

Stony Brook is actually 30 minutes away from me, it would be great if they had education but the don’t :(! Thanks everyone!