SUNY Upstate Accelerated Scholars 2021 Applicants

Hi all, quick question. Upon submitting your response to the offer of admission from Upstate (, did you all get a response back in any form?

I was wondering if anybody got acceptance via SUNY Poly?

Nope. I emailed Ms. Ripa too just in case though. She responded

I think one person has.

Thank You. Do you know if this program has flexibility to matriculate to SUNY upstate early if undergrad requirements are completed early ( say in 3 years or 2 years).

Ms. Ripa said that they are no longer allowing that. If someone completes their undergrad requirements early, then they work with their advisor to fill that gap year with medically related activities.

Got it. Thank You.

Hey guys, just a question about the Upstate interviews. Did they ask any ethics related questions or were they all the traditional medical school questions?

they were mostly traditional and pretty conversational. it was one of the most relaxed interviews I’ve had tbh

Yeah completely traditional, no MMI or ethics. They want to get to know you, your interests, etc.

For anyone preparing for interviews, a good resource is Ali Abdaal, who is a YouTuber and medical school graduate. His videos are one of the biggest thing that helped me for my interviews!

See the answer in Upstate FAQ:
If I graduate early, can I matriculate to Upstate sooner?

No. Because seats in each entering class are limited (160 students a year) and of those a specific number of seats are held in advance for early assurance students, we must require you to come the year you were accepted. If students graduate early, they are welcome to take a gap year prior to their anticipated matriculation year.

I LOVE Ali Abdaal, favorite youtuber. I aspire to be like him


Same! He is definitely the right role model :slight_smile:

For anyone who has been accepted to the program, please PM me your insta so I can add you to the gc


Congratulations on getting accepted! My interview is coming up and I’m super nervous, especially because I tend to stutter slightly when I’m nervous. Were there any really surprising questions that threw you off? Any advice you can give me? Thank you so much.

Hi! So I already replied to a similar question here:

In terms of surprising questions, I would say the one that threw me off the most was when I was listing why I would be a great candidate for this program, and the interviewer asked me why I don’t go Harvard or Brown instead if I have all those characteristics. I replied with a multitude of specific things I would like to do at upstate in response, such as research (like specific lab names, great facilities (specific again!),

Hi, thank you! I can’t access the link because I think it’s set to private.

(don’t know why it got cut off)…and other great programs like RMED. So In short, I would say have a good why upstate response with lots of specific details by researching their website.

Hi! Sorry about that, here is what I had said:

"Hey! So since the interview format is traditional, they are not going to be asking any medical knowledge questions, which I think makes it a lot easier. Some things I did to prepare was to extensivly research the Upstate website and make notes on the things that interested me because then they know you did your research. If you have a field of interest, I would say you should read some abstracts of some papers (it was neuro for me), and read some articles about the current technology/state of medicine because then you look like you keeping up-to-date and are academically self-motivated, which is very important for physicians/people in the medical field. Some good resources are The Medical Technologist and Ali Abdaal, both of which are you tubers who are very helpful in interviews/keeping up with current research. Other than that, make sure you do mock interviews with people, especially of they are in the medical field, and be yourself and give a smile! Interviews are always nerve wrecking so don’t worry about that.

Good luck! :slight_smile:"