SUNY Upstate Accelerated Scholars 2021 Applicants

There were only 28 kids, all BSMD, during the required info session for Feb 15th. My guess is they called 90-100 kids for interview across all 3 interview dates. Did they tell any timeline in specific for the Feb 15th? My DD says it could be a day before or after last interview date on March 8th. So, results may be out later this week or early next week. As a parent I am very anxious to know the outcome as Upstate is my DD’s top priority.

Albany College of Pharmacy

Same here, I am more anxious than my son. There are only 5 seats and if students are already accepted in first wave, I was not sure how many spots were left for second wave.

Are there anyone in this inteviewed/accepted through Syracuse?

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I interviewed yesterday and there were a few people interviewing through Syracuse.

Interesting! Thought there are only 3 interview dates 1/6, 2/15 and 3/8. They never mentioned about 3/1 interview date for BSMD. When did you get your interview date details, late in December or recently?

Good luck

P.S: I see you received interview invite on Jan 14th from other forum.

Yes, that’s correct

Thanks! Anyone know if they are still considering waiting list?

I think Syracuse is not part of feeder school.

It’s, it started this year and my C applied to it. She even got supplements from upstate too but kind of waitlisted after that.

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Did anyone that interviewed February 15 hear anything yet?


Do you have a breakdown of the 9 in regards to what feeder schools they were accepted to?

Not yet.

Those of you who have accepted the Upstate, did you had other pending interviews and you had to make a decision without knowing the result of others?

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I don’t see anyone from Syracuse. Heard there is some 2 week time limit to commit, do you know if all these 9 students committed without waiting for the remaining results?

Does anyone know how many seats are in these feeders? I know RIT has 5.

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Most feeders have up to 5 slots except UAlbany and surprisingly for Purchase which are listed as up to 10 slots for this year .

However, its not that they have been filling-up all 5 slots in every feeder, every year. This being 4th year of UAS program at Upstate they have been slowly ramping it up. Its not clear how many they plan to fill this year. Some of the feeders, such as Syracuse, are participating first time this year in this program.

So, be at peace and wait for the results. Upstate do not call too many for interviews and hence very good chance compared to other programs.


Thanks for sharing details.