SUNY Upstate Accelerated Scholars 2021 Applicants

Which undergrad are you guys interviewing for?

They are all probably coming on Monday 3/15 per @dancer2021 's earlier post.

Anyone heard back from Suny for 2/15 interview?

nope nothing yet…starting to get nervous

Received call from Ms. Ripa. DD is accepted to Upstate via ACPHS.
Interviewed on 2/15 and we are in-state.

Just Got a call from Ms. Ripa! Heading to UAS via ESF. Interviewed 2/15/21 from NYC

got the call, accepted via UAlbany! interviewed on 2/15 as well

Congrats to all of you !! Unfortunately no call for us. So looks like we did not made it

Which feeder is ESF?


ESF = SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse. Its very next to Upstate COM.

Hey Just got a call today and ESF is my feeder school. What part of NY are you from?

Hey, don’t give up hope yet. The calls came in very late, so she may be making more calls tomorrow.

Syracuse itself actually I am a local. If you PM me your insta I can add you to the accepted student gc

DD joined the insta group of Upstate accepted students! Cheers.

Hey! New to CC but got accepted into the program. Can’t PM yet, could you PM me your insta first?

Hey! I got into rit too :slight_smile: hope to see you there in the fall

my insta is @omgitsharshdeep

congrats to everyone! did anyone here get in from syracuse? i’m trying to get in and my 1st choice is cuse (ik its a competitive program especially from syracuse since it’s probably the most popular undergrad out of all feeder schools), if so do you have any tips for next fall?

Also, does anyone in general have tips for applying specifically to upstate, interviews/applications etc.?

I don’t know if any 2021 candidates got accepted through Syracuse, but someone from last year did. Good luck! It is difficult but that should not hold you back. I already have a message for tips I wrote so if you look back you’ll find it.

I interviewed through Syracuse but I haven’t heard back yet. I’ll let you know some tips then.