SUNY Upstate Accelerated Scholars 2021 Applicants

Hi! so SUNY Poly is one of the smaller schools like elf I believe which recommends about 20-25 ppl for the interview process. For interviewing here are a couple tips from a previous answer:

"Hello and congratulations to your daughter for securing her BSMD seat with Upstate!!!

My college is going fantastic so far! It was a little challenging in the beginning since it was so different from high school, but once I was on my rhythm I was able to cruise through all my courses.

In terms of interviewing, I would again say that big things that helped me was practicing with my family members since they are all in the medical field, and also with other of my contacts such as my dad’s radiologist friend who conducts interviews for incoming residents. They can give the best tips as they are the ones who assess and choose candiates for these types of interviews. I also looked at online videos such as ones from Ali Abdaal for sample questions. I can tell you that some of the questions they asked me were the basic why I want to go to the medical field? What is the thing you are looking the most forward too? why upstate? (for this question I looked at the online website fro upstate and picked out specific labs for research which I said I would like to join as well as other stats they have such as a 5 million dollar surgery simulation center) What am I not looking forward to in the medical field? etc. It is vital to practice for these questions with trained people and/or online videos since there are red flag answers which you want to avoid.

Hope this helps and good luck! Let me know what undergrad institution she is getting interviewed from too!"

Hi! I just answered this question below

Yes, they did traditional for me last year and I believe it is traditional this year as well since I have been invited to conduct an interview

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Trying to figure out the interview dates for 2022.
Jan ?
Feb ?
March ?

Anyone got an interview from waitlist? Was put on hold for comparison but nothing yet. Is there still any hope?

@Hershey7676 whats the typical notification timeline post-interivew?

Out of curiosity, how did past years/classes connect after being accepted, if at all? Is there a social media group that gets formed, for instance.

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Hi! I am an applicant for the SUNY UAS program 2022, and I’m curious about the campus life and community of Syracuse. To those who are attending school in the upstate area, is there anything you love about the campus life there and the community? Any type of fun community events?

What are summers like? How demanding are they?

Hey! I got a supplement from ESF and would love to chat with you if you could PM me.

Hey! I got a supplement from ESF and would love to chat with you if you could PM me

hello! not sure if you will see this, but i would love to talk if possible! i’ll be coming to SUNY Poly this fall!