<p>I have a really high gpa 4.55/4.6 and with this semester's grades it will be even higher bc I have straight A's in 6 ap classes.</p>
<p>I got a 1960 sat1
chem:770 bio: 720 Math2: 660
National Achievement for PSAT</p>
<p>Most people say high gpa w/ low sats shows grade inflation in an easy school, but my hs is ranked in the top 100 public schools in the nation. There aren't many people who have taken all honors/ap throughout hs, and even less who do so w/ all a's (im ranked in the top 1%). </p>
<p>Do you think my grades will make up for my low scores at the Ivies and schools like duke, jhu, stanford? I think with the huge increase in applicants, these schools might see my mere 1960 and laugh.With my scores I dont think I have any chance!!</p>
<p>i’m assuming you’re AA because you mentioned national achievement. i’m guessing top schools don’t get many AA applicants who are in the top 1% at a top public school, and will happily overlook your SAT.</p>
<p>You will be fine wherever you go. Colleges will do what they will do, and nobody can explain very well how they make their selections.</p>
<p>However, it’s certainly true that you can be an exceptional student who doesn’t do great on SAT type exams. Just be honest with yourself and ask if you think you’re a good reasoner, writer, thinker. You likely are a very good student.</p>
<p>^^go look at the college admissions thread for AA and look at the actual results thread, there are many AA w/ great scores</p>
<p>this is why im nervous, as im competing against other AA in the ivy league, im hoping my high gpa and other activities make up for my low sats and show that i am capable of handle their rigourous education</p>
<p>Don’t let this keep you from applying, or discouraged. You have an EXCEPTIONAL GPA, especially for your school, and a WONDERFUL RANK. These things are not forgotten or overlooked. Sure, you don’t have a 2400, but a 1960 is by no means a low SAT score in the “real” world. (There is an incredible amount of CC inflation, that while I admit I’m consumed by, I know is somewhat wrong.) </p>
<p>Good Luck, you are definitely a worthy applicant with a good chance of gaining acceptance at the schools you want to attend! :)</p>
<p>You have an awesome class rank and a rigourous course load so I am sure they’ll focus on that. I’m not sure if you’re a Junior or Senior but if you are a Junior, I’m sure you’ll do better once you take it again. I had your exact score and raised it up to a 2100+ by studying some more.</p>
<p>If you are a Senior, I wouldn’t worry too much. You have a lot going for you and you’ve proved yourself throughout your years in high school. One test shouldn’t hurt you very much.</p>
<p>The single most valid predictor for first year college GPA, final college GPA, four year graduation rate, etc., etc., etc. is the HS GPA. The SAT and ACT are not valid predictors for any of these and every single college/university admissions officer on the planet knows that. GPA and the courses you took while you earned it are the most important factors in admissions decisions.</p>
<p>So stop sweating your SAT score. If you really want to, you can pop by the public library and pick up an ACT prep book and take a mock ACT at home. If you find out that you are better at it, well then take a real ACT. Lots of people do better on the ACT because it is subject based and generally less “tricky” than the SAT (likewise there are plenty of folks who do better on the SAT than on the ACT because they have brains that cope well with tricky SAT-style questions).</p>
<p>And, if you really truly hate standardized tests, feel free to only apply to exam optional colleges and universities. You will find a current list at [The</a> National Center for Fair & Open Testing | FairTest](<a href=“http://www.fairtest.org%5DThe”>http://www.fairtest.org)</p>