Superscoring of scores

<p>I heard that Virginia tech super scores the SAT and ACT scores together. For example, If i had a 600 on the verbal part of the SAT and a 640 on the Math part of the SAT and I got a 26 on the Reading part of the ACT and a 33 on the math part of the ACT. Would they take the SAT Verbal and the ACT Math? </p>

<p>yep…they use your highest combination.</p>

<p>“Our Score Choice is: Highest Section Scores Across Test Dates – Version 1 (Highest M, CR, W). Please note: Virginia Tech wants to see all of your test scores. We will use the highest scores and even combine your highest test scores from multiple test dates when evaluating your application.”</p>

<p>I feel like if they did use that wacky method of superscoring between two different types of tests that they would have mentioned it on their website. That’s all that I could find with regard to superscoring.</p>

<p>you can always call and ask, but they always say they use the highest combination. i’m not sure how more detailed they have to be on the site beyond that.</p>

<p>They probably use z-scores to compare the different tests. Submit everything.</p>

<p>The VT rep that visited my kids’ school did say that they superscore between test dates and even superscore between ACT and SAT. </p>