Supplement Essay Length

<p>It's entirely possible that I'll have rewritten the entire thing by the time I actually send it off, but is there going to be any kind of backlash from having an essay that came in at 905 words for the first draft?</p>

<p>(Note - it'll probably get a good bit shorter, but we're still looking at 600+).</p>

<p>As long as it fits within what you’re allowed to paste or upload to the supplement, you can feel free to make your essay as long (or short) as you want. There’s really no “line”, per se, on essay length that you should aim for- as long as you feel like you’ve gotten as much in to your essay as you’d like to express, but aren’t going to be boring your counselor with a novel, you’re probably fine.</p>

<p>as a newly admitted EA’er with a medium length sup. essay and a dangerously short common app essay, I can promise promise promise you that its not the length, but what you do with it. Thats what she said.</p>

<p>^^ditto 10 char</p>