Supplemental Essays w/ App?

<p>I am applying Transfer EA (deadline Mar1). My high school was mediocre - started out with a 2.0, finished with 3.3 ish, ranked 77 out of 295. No ECs to speak of. Since then, I've gotten involved in leadership positions in a couple organizations and campus and am a member of a couple more, my grades have gone up to a 3.45 in rigorous (300-level or higher for 2 years) college work, only one "C" first semester, and I just made the Dean's List. Should I include an extra essay to explain my high school and upward improvement, or do you think they'll see that for themselves, and I should just concentrate on my Long Essay?</p>

<p>it nevers hurts to put the extra time into something</p>

<p>if i were you, i would do this extra essay - if you explain what motivated you and continues to motivate you, those early bad grades could become a plus:)</p>

<p>It was never too terrible - The lowest were "C"s, but LOTS of them freshman year. Sophomore year was all Bs and a C, and then junior year was 3.9 and senior year was 4.0.</p>

<p>Where would I attach a supplemental essay online?</p>

<p>I would recommend printing it and sending it through the mail so they can see the quality of the work as it would look to a professor. Remember, to Ted O'Neill, how words are used and the rules of their usage are important.</p>

<p>After the app is done, should I just send it in with a note asking them to include it with my application?</p>

<p>Yes, that should do it.</p>