Supplemental Question? Thanks

<p>Tell us how you will utilize the academic programs in the College of Arts and Sciences to further explore your interests, intended major, or field of study.</p>

<p>ummm.... could anyone give me like a very rough idea how i would answer this? what do they mean i will utilize the academic programs? do they mean like i am going to make sure i use their library or something?</p>

<p>What resources are you going to use from CAS and Cornell to further your studies. It can be people, places, all that stuff…</p>

<p>ok so then academic programs doesnt mean like classes?</p>

<p>Well… you can talk about the professors who teach those classes… or the wide array of classes available…</p>

<p>oh god this is ticking me off. i dont know any professor but thanks</p>

<p>Just look up one of the professors in your field at Cornell: you don’t have to actually know them…</p>

<p>Academic programs could be departments (what departments you’d take a lot of classes in idk), the liberal arts reqs, programs like study abroad, independent research, etc. </p>

<p>How you plan to use the academics CAS offers. This is not a “will you use the library” question at all!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t get too worried about looking up a professor (although if done right it might show you did extra research).</p>

<p>CAS wants to see that you KNOW what they offer and that you plan to use it. </p>

<p>Like if you want to major in biology and also take a lot of classes to become fluent in Spanish, CAS offers these 2 departments, and study abroad programs that you might be interested in.</p>

<p>aka what your academic goals are, and how you’d achieve them in CAS. </p>

<p>To others–this is the kind of thing the essay is asking right?</p>

<p>I would agree, but they want to know what you can get from CAS and Cornell that you couldn’t get at another university. Professors may be one, among other things. These things should reinforce your learning in your primary field.</p>

<p>That’s true- agreed.</p>