<p>For the why northwestern essay, would it be good to tell a story? I visited the campus and had a really good time. I met with several students and they told me a lot about the scool. would it be good to basically tell the story of my visit and what I learned? or are they looking for more of Northwestern has this, and this is what I want to do with it?</p>
<p>wow, that blows what ever ill write about away. I was thinking of basically just telling the story of my visit. I stayed with an alum from my school who told me about the school and the major/ program I want to do. I also met with the captain of the rugby team who showed me around- I had a really good experience. Would that make a good why northwestern essay? or should i have something more? like are they really looking for me to mention the unique things like dillo day and the dance marathon?</p>
<p>I think you got it with the last sentence of your first post. Your expected to know all about Northwestern, but what NU wants to know, IMO, is how you will utilize what the school has to offer. I'm writing about how NU can satisfy my passion in both law and music, and help me decide which path I want to take later on.</p>