<p>How do I submit supp rec? Is it through commom app?</p>
<p>Supplementals are usually hard copies or scans. Mail a xerox copy or email the scan. simple </p>
<p>Nothing mysterious about it.</p>
<p>Are you sure some ppl are saying its on common app</p>
<p>Not having the need to fill out a common app and seeing as you’ll be doing so in the imminent future, you’re in a better position to confirm their inclusion in common app LOR submissions. But you can certainly do snail mail or email scans – that’s not forbidden, you know.</p>
<p>its more annoying</p>
<p>Hmmmm… you’re applying to attend an American university, with your parents’ riches that will gain you a diploma in a few years – that will allow you to earn and provide an ultra-first world lifestyle for you and your future family… likely among the top 5% of prosperity among human kind in all of history to date.</p>
<p>C’mon. Using a copying machine? Mailing a few letters? Scanning a document and then emailing it?</p>
<p>Reminds me of the meme photo with an upset mother “My children refuse to take the malaria pills that are needed for our family trip to Costa Rica”</p>
<p>Relax – you’ll be fine</p>
<p>my job ends tomorrow and all i needed was a simple yes or no answer to my question so i can ask my boss and tell him how to send in the letter. And I still don’t have an answer, can I use common app or not? I’m sorry I was rude, but honestly, i didn’t ask for a lecture on the benefits of snail mail. </p>
<p>yes, you can use common app, if the school allows supplemental recs. You input the recommender as an other recommender and they can either turn in a paper copy or submit electronically. If he wishes to do paper, print the other recommender form out and give to him tomorrow. If not, enter his email in and invite him electronically. Its not that hard. </p>
<p>If they don’t allow supplemental recs online, first you need to make sure they’ll take a supplemental rec. If they do, print other recommender form and follow above, then email admissions and say they should expect a rec from so and so for you.</p>
<p>Thank you. And sorry for being rude, I am frustrated with all this college stuff</p>