
<p>I'm sure it's different for each major and stuff, but I'm trying to budget everything out here. What would be good/how many of:</p>

<p>3 Subject Notebooks
1 Subject

<p>etc, etc, etc.</p>


<p>You will probably take 5 classes per semester, so 10 1 subject notebooks should do it.
The rest will be as much as you usually need. Each year we wait until July/August and buy the loss leaders at Staples/Office Depot that go on sale each week. You don’t have to spend alot on this stuff. You can always use what you don’t need the next year.
We buy the spiral notebooks with pockets in the front, they cost more, but then you don’t need folder and spiral…everyone uses a different method, perhaps what is comfortable for you and what you are used to using from high school. Whatever you buy, remember a calendar/planner so that you can keep all of your activities and classes and club meetings, parties, etc. on it! Of course, you will pay more for supplies at the school store, but there is a CVS across the street that will be less.</p>

<p>When do you know which books you will need. where can you buy/ rent them?
When will UM assign your courses?</p>

<p>To schedule courses, you need to contact your advisor and set up an advising appointment. They will look over your transcript and major requirements to determine what you need. Once you’ve done this you will be given a registration PIN to register for classes thru MyUM.</p>

<p>It’s early, so not many books have been posted yet, but you can either use MyUM to view the books required for each class in the course descriptions for each course (in the course offerings) or this website to do a course-by-course search <a href=“efollett”>efollett;

<p>Alternatively, the UM bookstore on campus arranges the books by subject, class and section. The other local bookstores (or at least the one across US1) seemed to know which books were needed for which class as well.</p>

<p>In any case, professors almost always have the book information and ISBN on the syllabi. I’d recommend buying online (I’ve found amazon to be best) if you can, because college bookstores in general are just a shakedown racket.</p>

<p>I really wouldn’t buy textbooks at the bookstore of any school, much less UM. go on,,, etc. there’s several sites you can find used textbooks. also, lots of students post up flyers around the school advertising their textbooks for sale. if your only option is the on campus bookstore you’ll have to take it. but if you have other options take those to save yourself what could end up being hundreds of dollars.</p>