Surfer Boy's Chances

<p>Hey, this is Jason</p>

<p>Senior at Northern Cal Public High School (Good scores, not great)
Weighted GPA- 4.43
UC GPA- 4.34
UW- 3.95
ACT- 31, but my best scores are:
Math- 35
Science- 35
Reading- 33
English- 28
which makes a 33 composite (1460 equivalent)
Hopefully, I can get my good scores together on the upcoming ACT test
Sat II:
750 math II
730 bio M
680 Writing 2</p>

<p>Honors: every year social studies and english, Chemistry
APs: US History, Calc AB, Calc BC, Biology, Government, Psychology
Sciences- Biology, Chem H, AP Bio, Physiology, Physics, Independent Research</p>

<p>ECs: Tennis Tennis Tennis
I play 10 hours a week</p>

<h1>1 on varsity last two years (MVP)</h1>

<p>Won 3rd singles in Ebal (East Bay Regionals)
Taught tennis junior year
String rackets since freshmen year (2 hours a week)
Wash tennis courts in summer (12 hours a week)
Taught free tennis lessons (total 48 hours)
Captain of Ball Boy Squad since freshmen year (train for Seibel Open, which is a big pro event in San Jose Arena- pressure pressure pressure)
Biology Department Tutor-Junior/senior
Judged city science fair for elementary-high school along with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists
Junior Class Senator</p>

<p>Recs: Awesome (one is from my biology teacher who I have had for 4 classes in high school and was my science teacher in elementary school)</p>

<p>Peer: Absolutely awesome by my friend who just got into Stanford</p>

<p>Extra rec: Grandpa excellent (chair of anesthesiology at UW in Seattle)</p>

<p>Essays: 1) Surfing</p>

<p>You sound like an interesting person with a great shot at getting in.</p>

<p>Hope you don't mind giving up surfing for a few months at a time! Luckily, with the D-plan, you can take a trip to almost anywhere in the world to surf your little heart out.</p>

<p>Where would you put Dartmouth at in terms of desire to attend on your list of schools?</p>

<p>I appreciate that willywonka. Yeah, I know I could have studied for tests, but I was too busy enjoying life and surfing lol. Oh well, hope the adcoms see that. Here is my order:</p>

<p>1) Stanford (so close to home and my surf spots)
2) Harvard
3) Dartmouth
4) Amherst
6) UCB
8) UCD</p>

<p>I am a legacy at Stanford so hopefully that will help.
I am in love with Dartmouth, but hopefully I can just get into one of my top four.</p>

<p>By the way,
Dartmouth isn't going to know this so it won't help me, but
my grandfather is main editor of Clinical Anesthesia which is the main textbook. He started UCI med school and was chairman of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. My great grandpa was chairman of UCSF anesthesiology department and became dean of UCSF med school.
Pretty cool history, but I have some big footsteps to follow.</p>

<p>Big footsteps, indeed. That's pretty cool. I have such mixed feelings sometimes about my family's particular history.</p>

<p>I like your top four. Kind of like mine, but Swarthmore instead of Amherst (not that I dislike Amherst), Dartmouth higher, Harvard lower, and Washington and Lee instead of Stanford (and lower). So, yeah, they're not really too similar, but whatever.</p>

<p>I think Dartmouth will find you GPA, scores, and dedication to tennis & science impressive.</p>

<p>That's a great list willywonka. I would love to apply to more East Coast schools, but my parents don't want a huge list. Thanks collegeboundjen. Yeah, my class knows me as the content, well-rounded, interesting boy. </p>

<p>By the way, I totally forgot to add my research...I work 2-3 hours a day on my anesthetic research project. I'm testing the effects of mepivacaine, lidocaine, and bupivacaine (all local) in various concentrations ranging from .025 to .5 on dH5alpha bacteria that I transformed with plasmids containing resistance to kanamycin and ampicillin. It is my major focus on my short answer. I work with biologists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.</p>

<p>merry christmas guys, it's already chistmas eve here in korea.</p>