Surrounding area

<p>How's the surrounding area?</p>

<p>i visited this summer and it was kind of creepy. its in a residential area. there arent many restaurants you could walk to with friends, so i think your only option would be to go downtown, which kind of sucks when you think about it.</p>

<p>Low-rent residential area with lots of convenience stores. Perfect for a college student, no?
A mile west is a great jewish & south asian neighborhood. Good restaurants and neighborhood shops are within walking distance to the south. Avoid the north side past Chipotle. Morse station is known for drug trade. Shame because there's a good restaurant and jazz club up there.
Most students catch the El to Lincoln Park (DePaul), Chinatown on the south side or Evanston. Loyola's downtown campus is only a block away from the Mag Mile.</p>

<p>Is Loyola Chicago near Wrigley Field?</p>

<p>Also, are there dorms at the downtown campus? What about a rec center?</p>

<p>depaul is much closer to wrigley field. it's one stop away, as a matter of fact.
i believe there are dorms in the water tower campus.
there's a rec center with pools, weights, and racquetball courts. it's ok.</p>

<p>There's a dorm downtown for upperclass students, really easy to live there if you want. It's about 20 minutes to Addison (Wrigley Field), Depaul is two stops actually and it's so screwed up right there w/the track work you don't save that much time. I have NO clue about this jewish/asian neighborhood you speak of, West=not accessible by the el so you'll probably never go there unless you have a friend w/a car. There are PLENTY of restaurants close by, tons that deliver, and you can go anywhere for free on the El. North of Loyola is only sketchy if you're used to suburbia. I wouldn't walk aroudn by myself after dark, but it's perfectly safe during the day.
The BEST part about the neighborhood is that it's the 2nd most diverse in the ENTIRE WORLD. 136 languages are spoken there. Beat that DePaul. Also, it's basically the last remaining affordable neighborhood on the north side. They've been building tons of condos there recently but no one's buying so you can get AWESOME apartments for a decent price compared to anywhere else in the city.
Whew! Any other questions?</p>


<p>What is the social life like at LUC? (clubs, intramurals, parties, etc.)
Also, during winter (because I know it's freezing there during the winter), do students get out of their dorms much to go places or hang out or is everyone just kind of stuck inside? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm from Phoenix where it's still in the 60s (degrees), so I don't really have any idea what goes on in snowy places :)!</p>

<p>take it from someone who just finished at Loyola....</p>

<p>Rogers Park sucks. its depressing to look at and dangerous. honestly, if you have the choice of going to Loyola or Depaul, I'd choose the latter in a heartbeat..</p>

<p>the social life at Loyola is also garbage. you need money to do ANYTHING because everyone goes out instead of doing stuff on campus. the parties are few and far between, and typically lame as hell because no one shares beer or acts friendly. that was my four and a half year experience at least.</p>

<p>me, use your UPass and take the bus west. The area around California and Western is the Jewish and South Asian community with many great eats.</p>